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lrivers Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Site has some sort of JavaScript login, 1Password doesn't recogniz</div>Not sure the protocol for mentioning these sorts of things, but login doesn't work with 1Password in Safari anyway. When the JavaScript login panel pops up, invoking 1P with the keystroke or any other method has no result.


  • lrivers
    lrivers Junior Member
    Similar issue to my previous post, login doesn't work with 1Password in Safari anyway. When the JavaScript login panel pops up, invoking 1P with the keystroke or any other method has no result.
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi irivers, welcome to the forums.

    I merged your topics and renamed it to include both sites.

    1Password does appear to auto-fill into both sites for me. Please try the following:

    1. Click on the Login page to bring up the popup, enter your username and password, but DO NOT submit the form.

    2. Click the 1Password button in your browser's toolbar, and choose Save Login.

    3. Set the Action field to Create New Login (or to Replace <login-name>, to update an existing Login item).

    4. Click the Save button.

    Now visit both sites, click on Login to bring up the popup and use either 1Password button or the keyboard shortcut to fill it in. It should work.

    If it returns an error, try to turn off the auto-submit feature. To disable Autosubmit for a particular web site:

    1) Open 1Password, go to the Logins section and select the Login item for the site

    2) Press the edit button and then change its Submit option to Never.

    3) Press the save button to save it.

    That should work on both sites.

    Please let me know how it turns out.