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Converting from a Login type to a Wallet type

<div class="IPBDescription">can I move from the login file to a wallet or do I have to delete firs</div>can i move a login to a wallet file or do i have to delete the login and start over?


  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    edited February 2011
    Hi coleen,

    At the moment, we do not support converting data type into a different type. You’ll need to manually create a new Wallet item, then copy and paste from the Login item. If you do not need the Login item, you can delete it.

    We do want to support the ability to convert data types but I do not have a timeframe on when that’ll be possible within 1Password.

    PS: I moved this forum to the general Windows Forum since this isn’t related to a beta version.