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Dropbox Sync problem

First, I'd like to say what a great program 1Password is. It's saved me so much time and effort when keeping track of all of my logins across numerous sites. Possibly one of the most useful programs I've ever purchased.

But (sorry, there's always a but) I've noticed that when using Dropbox, things don't always tally up between computers. I have two -- an iMac, and a Macbook Air, with 1Password installed on both machines.

Last night, I spent a bit of time joining a few forums on my iMac, and stored all the logins using 1Password. I use Dropbox to synchronize the two computers. For the most part, this has worked fine. Occasionally though, there seems to be a bit of "lag" in the synchronization process. For instance, when I turned on my Macbook Air this afternoon, none of the logins that I had set up on my iMac were available to me, despite Dropbox working fine.

This has happened once before, and usually rights itself with one of the computers "catching up", if that makes sense. I'm just a bit baffled as to why this happens though. Surely 1Password is accessing the same file in the Dropbox folder, so why should there be any difference?

Is this normal behaviour?


  • thightower
    thightower "T-Dog" Agile's Mascot Community Moderator
    Sounds like a cache problem. Try disabling the cache in the 1P pref >Advanced tab then uncheck use cache...

    Also this pops up from time to time and the team has been working on it. I am not sure if they have found the problem etc..

    But if it shows again click the 1P help > troubleshooting > clear cache usually this always rectifies the problem for me.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forum, Monkeyboy!

    Is Dropbox done syncing when you are checking? It may take a moment for the changes to show up if you have only just opened your MacBook Air. It will need to connect to a network, obtain an IP address, connect to Dropbox, check for changes, download the changes, etc.

    [quote]This has happened once before, and usually rights itself with one of the computers "catching up",[/quote]

    Is the "catching up" just the normal sync process needing to occur? Does the problem exist when both machines are already online? I would try an experiment:

    Have both Macs next to each other. Launch 1Password on one. Create a new Secure Note. Quit 1Password. Wait for Dropbox to indicate that it has finished syncing. Switch to your other Mac which may already be done syncing the change, but confirm that Dropbox indicates this to be true. Open 1Password.

    Does the Secure Note exist on the other Mac in this scenario?

    You might try clearing the cache (Help > Troubleshooting > Clear Cache) as Tommy suggested, and it wouldn't hurt to rebuild your data file either (Help > Troubleshooting > Rebuild Data File). [color="#FF0000"]Please only rebuild the data file on one machine, though, and let Dropbox sync the rebuilt file to the other machine.[/color]

    Please let me know how it goes.
  • I experienced a similar thing this morning on machine 2, which didn't reflect changes I'd made on machine 1 last night - until [i]1P[/i] on machine 'provoked' DropBox into synching because I [i]saved[/i] a new Login on it (machine 2).
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Interesting, Mark. It sounds like my suggestion above may "work" as well in that situation to give Dropbox the nudge it needs. I'm still curious how things are going for Monkeyboy...