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<div class="IPBDescription">iphone app</div>I purchased the iphone app and its on my iphone.

I downloaded the app on my macbook pro and my mac desktop..

I am confused on what I have to purchase next to keep 1password?




  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Allan!

    1Password is licensed per user, per platform. 1Password for iPhone is licensed separately from 1Password for Mac and 1Password for Windows.

    Unfortunately, since the iTunes App Store is a separate entity controlled by Apple, we can't control how applications are sold. If we could offer upgrades or bundles or discounts, we'd love to explore those options, but sadly, we can't do that at this time. We're sorry that we can't be more flexible regarding iOS app sales.

    That being said, what we call our Sane Licensing Model™ means that you can install 1Password on as many Macs as you can possibly afford with a single 1Password for Mac license as long as you are the only user. Likewise for the iOS and Windows versions.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.