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Storing Knox Vaults in Dropbox

Two questions:

1) Any update on Knox/1P integration?

2) Also, do you recommend keeping Knox Vaults in the cloud, like DropBox?

Thank you!


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote]1) Any update on Knox/1P integration? [/quote]

    Unfortunately, I have nothing to announce at this time.

    [quote]2) Also, do you recommend keeping Knox Vaults in the cloud, like DropBox?[/quote]

    As a rule, no. This is especially true for vaults of the "sparse bundle" type — the default created by Knox. They are stored as a "bundle" made up of many smaller, individual files which greatly increase the points of failure. If one of the "bands" in the bundle is corrupted somehow, the entire vault can be compromised. I store a couple "sparse image" files in Dropbox which are single files rather than bundles, but you also need to be aware that having the vaults mounted on more than one machine is a recipe for disaster.

    So, the official line is, "No, don't do it." But on a personal level, I only have Dropbox installed on a single Mac (to eliminate the possibility of simultaneous access) and only use sparse [i]images[/i] (to decrease the chance of file corruption).

    The best thing to do would be to set the backup destination in Knox preferences to somewhere in your Dropbox folder. That way, only the static files are being stored and synced in your Dropbox folder, not the active vaults themselves as that is not recommended.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.