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Old 1Passwd and 1Password keychain data in file - smime.p7s

Chris1234 Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Can I delete this old data and if so, how?</div>Somehow a file called [i][b]smime.p7s[/b][/i] appeared from nowhere this morning. perhaps when Finder crashed and reloaded itself.

So I opened it out of curiosity, and find it's all about keychain and Keychain Access.

Specifically, it contains several keychains, one called 1Passwd, and another called 1Password.

These contain data from years ago... lots from 2007 which is probably when I purchased 1Password. and the latest date is 2009/07/04 which could be when I moved to the new agile keychain format.

So should these still be there? If not can I delete them and if so how? See pngs:

I run latest 1Password along with latest Firefox 3.6.13 and latest Safari 5.0.3 on my 2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 8 gigs memory running latest MacOSX Snow Leopard 10.6.6.


  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi Chris,

    The smime.p7s is usually found as an attachment in an email that was supposed to be sent as encrypted. You can find out more information about [url=""]this at Wikipedia[/url].

    Those keychains are used by 1Password 2 to store your details. If you do not use 1Password 2 anymore and are using 1Password 3 instead, I’d suggest archiving this file to an archival drive. You can delete it if you don’t want to keep it for a future reference.

    You may find additional 1Password keychains in your Keychains folder:


    ~ is your Home folder, you can also move it to your archival place. Only move the ones with “1Passwd”/“1Password” in the file name. Do not touch the rest as they may be required for your OS to work.

    I hope this helps.
  • Chris1234
    Chris1234 Junior Member
    Thanks, Mike. I've been using 1P version 3 and the Agile keychain for ages, so I'll just delete that file.

    This also seems to mean I should delete the two keychains, one called 1Passwd and the other called 1Password, from everywhere on my system. Check? Since I use 1P3 will I ever need them again, so do I even need to archive them first?

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited February 2011
    It is always best to archive rather than delete.

    Please be aware that [font="Menlo"].agilekeychain[/font] files are Agile Keychain Format data files for 1Password 3. Specifically, [font="Menlo"]1Password.agilekeychain[/font] is the default name of your data file in 1Password 3.

    Perhaps move the files you wish to delete to a folder on your desktop and then compress the folder in Finder (File > Compress [Folder Name]).

    1Password 3 does not use any data in [font="Menlo"]~/Library/Keychains[/font] (unless you count recovering or upgrading from 1Password 2 which it sounds like you would have no reason to do at this time). <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
  • I have happily moved over to 1Password and am delighted with it. However I need to ask a stupid question ... what happens to my existing OSX keychain? Should I/can I delete it? Should I/ can I remove the items in it? At the moment it's sat there with all my old passwords in it and I admit I don't really understand how the damn thing works anyway, was always a bit hit and miss as far as I'm concerned.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Welshgooner64. I have merged your post with the appropriate thread. Please see above and let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.

    We are always here to help!