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Read only files

Hi, I've been using knox for a few months now and it's been nice. I use it to store some personal files. A few days ago, I opened up Knox and decided to clean up the files but I can't seem to delete them. It keeps saying that the files are read-only. How did this happen and how can I delete them? Before this, I used to be able to delete files. Some of my newly added files have also disappeared. Also for some reason, whenever I right click on the knox dock icon, it keeps saying "Force Quit" (Application not responding). But if I go to the menu bar, the "quit" button works fine. What's happening to my knox? Help please!

Is there a limit to how many files I can put in knox? I have around 30gb of files in knox. is this the reason for the "application not responding" problem?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, wicked271. I'm sorry that you are having this problem.

    There is not really a file size or count limitation in Knox beyond what your hardware can handle. 30 GB should not be unreasonable for a machine on which Knox will run, though.

    Have you tried reinstalling Knox? You can download the latest version of Knox from here:

    using the Download Now button in the Knox section.

    Be sure to quit Knox and drag your existing copy of Knox to the Trash before copying over the newly downloaded version.

    You files are stored separately (in their vaults) and will not be harmed by this procedure.

    Please let me know how it turns out.
  • Hi Khad, Thanks for the reply.

    Tried reinstalling it and still the same.

    Files are still read only and wen I right click on knox, it's still telling me application not responding

  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi wicked271,

    This may be an issue with the Knox’s preferences file.

    Please follow these steps to reset the Knox preferences:

    1. Quit Knox.

    2. Use the Apple Finder to remove the Knox preferences file. To do this, go to your Home folder > Library > Preferences folder and move the "com.knoxformac.knox.plist" file to your Desktop. The file can be trashed later, but do not trash it for now and make sure it is the correct file that you're trashing.

    3. Start Knox. Since Knox thinks this is the first time you've run it on this computer, you will see the Welcome screen.

    4. Click on the Vaults pane. You should now drag from the Finder any Knox vaults that you want to "manage" within Knox to the Vaults area of the preferences. A green plus-sign ("+") will appear and you can release the vault. Repeat with any other vaults.

    Do not set the Backups yet, see if Knox now works correctly.