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1P makes Safari slow at launch


As I still have issues with 1Password in Chrome ([url=""]unsolved[/url], even after screen sharing with the team), I am temporarily switching back to Safari.

But I noticed that Safari takes a longer time to be ready when 1Password is enabled for this browser. I'm nearly sure 1Password is in cause because Safari "works" (and is not ready for anything) until the 1Password button appears in the toolbar. Mostly at the first launch. If I disable 1Password, Safari is fast again. FYI, I made a [url=""]screen capture[/url] (mov) that shows that.

Is it something we can do about this ? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    It looks to my eyes as though everything is working well, but it is certainly on the outer edge of what we would like to see for startup time. Scripting Additions take longer to load in Safari than the newer-style "native" Safari extensions, so that is something to consider. Safari does not even load them until everything else is loaded.

    We would be willing to take a look at your Diagnostics Report if you want. Please generate one immediately after loading Safari as you demonstrate in the video. That will ensure that the proper log entries are shown. You can generate the report in the same manner you have previously (Help > Troubleshooting > Diagnostics Report) and email it to us at if you wish.
