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Drop Box - no screen estate

<div class="IPBDescription">My screen is not big enough to set up DropBox</div>I am trying to set up 1Password on an Alcatel OT-980 Android Phone.

When I click Use DropBox to synchronise data [although you are Yanks and can't spell synchronise] I get a Login and Password field as well as Show Password box.

The thing is the screen doesn't scroll so I can't scroll down to click Okay or whatever button may or may not be below the Show Password check box.

Can you fix this please!!

Yes I am a cheap skate, using a cheap phone with a tiny screen resolution but I'm not the only one.


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Jez Caudle,

    Thank you for your interest in 1Password for Android.

    The good news is: there is a new release of the application coming up in the next few weeks, this one will have a brand-new User Interface.

    All resizing/scrolling issues you've reported will be addressed in this relase, so please stay tuned for the updates.

    Best regards,

    Gene <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' />

    Android developer

    [quote name='Jez Caudle' timestamp='1298914394' post='21594']

    I am trying to set up 1Password on an Alcatel OT-980 Android Phone.

    When I click Use DropBox to synchronise data [although you are Yanks and can't spell synchronise] I get a Login and Password field as well as Show Password box.

    The thing is the screen doesn't scroll so I can't scroll down to click Okay or whatever button may or may not be below the Show Password check box.

    Can you fix this please!!

    Yes I am a cheap skate, using a cheap phone with a tiny screen resolution but I'm not the only one.
