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Couple of requests: Security + auto-fill

hoju Junior Member

Big fan of 1P! It's designed so, so well. I recommend it to everyone!

Down to business. Apologies if there are ways to accomplish these requests, but I didn't discover any.

1. I wish there was an option in Preferences that allowed me to choose whether I want "Low Security" or "High Security" by default. As it stands now, everything defaults to "Low," and I have to manually change it for every entry.

2. I wish there was some sort of built-in auto-fill for 1Password so that I don't have to enter my own user info every time I add a new entry, e.g., my name, my email address, etc.

I add a lot of stuff to 1P, and I find both of these issues make the process much slower for me.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hello hoju,

    First of all, I apologize for the long delay. There were a small number of threads that were inadvertently marked as "read" when they were most certainly "unread." Technology isn't perfect, but I am glad to read that you are enjoying 1Password more than I am enjoying this forum software at the moment. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sleep.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='-_-' />

    [quote]1. I wish there was an option in Preferences that allowed me to choose whether I want "Low Security" or "High Security" by default. As it stands now, everything defaults to "Low," and I have to manually change it for every entry.[/quote]

    Items created in our desktop applications (1Password for Mac and 1Password for Windows) default to high security while items created in our iOS apps (1Password for iPhone, 1Password for iPad, and 1Password Pro) default to low security. There are a couple improvements here that we are looking into. One would be the ability to change the default security level on each platform independently. The other would be a mass- or bulk-editing feature to allow you to change a whole group of items at once. While neither of those features are implemented right now, they are certainly on our radar for the future. I don't have a time frame for a specific release, but you might at least consider creating Smart Folders for each of the security levels. For example, I want all my items to be high security, so I have a Smart Folder that shows all my low security items. I don't often create many items on my iOS devices, so I can usually just glance here every now and again to update a handful of items — at most — one at a time. This may not work for everyone but it has served me well while I await some additional improvements in this area.

    [quote]2. I wish there was some sort of built-in auto-fill for 1Password so that I don't have to enter my own user info every time I add a new entry, e.g., my name, my email address, etc.[/quote]

    I have good news! Please take a look at 1Password for Mac's [url=""]Identity and Credit Card filling[/url] functionality, and let me know if that is not what you had in mind. However, I notice that your frame of reference in the previous item was from one of our iOS apps. Unfortunately, our iOS apps do not yet support Identity or Credit Card filling. This has also come up more than a few times, and is something we would also love to add in the future. Again, I cannot share a time frame, but we are always hard at work. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [quote]I add a lot of stuff to 1P, and I find both of these issues make the process much slower for me.[/quote]

    I hope some of our future enhancements can continue to make your life both more convenient [b]and[/b] secure.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
