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How to begin again

Milton Bliss
Milton Bliss Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Wanting to use 1Pass on my iPad</div>I have used 1Password on my Mac for over a year and consider it essential to my productivity. The ability to go into 1Password, select a website, and have a browser automatically launched, with username and password automatically entered is of paramount importance, without that function, 1Password is not useful. Therefore, the early iPad non-multitasking OS made 1Password useless on my iPad. Having said that, I did pay for 1Password thru the App store, tried to make it useful, failed, and have now ignored for months.

Now the iPad has a multi-tasking OS and my iPad use is increasing. I would like to again attempt to:

1) make the iPad 1Password useful to me

2) sync my Mac 1Password to my iPad

- Challenges

I forgot my iPad 1Password login.

- Solution

Delete iPad 1Password & reinstall. How can I avoid paying for 1Password again?

On my iPad will multi-tasking REALLY work like it does on my Mac?

Where might I read about syncing my Mac & 1Password databases?


  • Hi Milton,

    It's great to hear you're wanting to give 1Password another try on your iPad. iOS 4 does make a huge difference to how you can use 1Password, but this doesn't change the fact that the 1Password app on the iPad can't be integrated with Mobile Safari in same way as 1Password is integrated with web browsers on the Mac. This is because Mobile Safari is not extensible with plug-ins at this time.

    For this reason, we've included a Safari-like browser within 1Password that you can use to fill your details on web sites. You can learn more about logging into sites with 1Password by looking at our user guide:

    So, with that said, let's get you up and running again:

    [quote name='Milton Bliss' timestamp='1299554102' post='22029']

    Delete iPad 1Password & reinstall. How can I avoid paying for 1Password again?


    Apple have recently made a huge improvement to the App Store on the iPad, so providing you're signed in with the same Apple ID you used to purchase 1Password originally you can do a search for 1Password and you should see an 'Install' option next to the version you own. Tap this and you should be prompted for the password to your Apple ID and be able to download 1Password again.

    [quote]On my iPad will multi-tasking REALLY work like it does on my Mac?[/quote]

    Multi-tasking on an iOS device isn't quite the same as multi-tasking on a Mac, you can't do multiple things at once on an iPad, but you can quickly switch between applications without them having to be completely relaunched. This means that if, for whatever reason, the 1Password built-in browser can't fill your details on a site, you can easily switch between 1Password and Safari to copy and paste your details.

    [quote]Where might I read about syncing my Mac & 1Password databases?[/quote]

    There's two ways to do this, either using the free and secure Dropbox service, which is by far the easiest and most automatic way to sync, or by syncing over your local network using Wi-Fi (somewhat of a manual process). We've created guides on how to set these up here:

    Dropbox Syncing:

    Wi-Fi Sync:

    That should get you up and running, if you need any help at all either post back here or drop us a note at and we'll get back to you as soon as we can (normally within 24 hours at the most)
  • Milton Bliss
    Milton Bliss Junior Member
    Thank you, let me try those instructions and get back to you. It might take a couple days as work is very busy.
  • [quote name='Milton Bliss' timestamp='1299614071' post='22076']

    Thank you, let me try those instructions and get back to you. It might take a couple days as work is very busy.


    You're very welcome Milton, no rush on getting back to us, I know the feeling when work gets busy, though I do have the advantage that I get to work in my pyjamas with music playing <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />