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Considering an iPad

cornelius Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Getting on board with iPassword on iPad</div>I have been using 1Password on my Mac for a couple of years. Wouldn't be without it. Now that iPad2 is out I am considering getting one. What do I need to know about 1Password on the iPad? For example, I suppose I will have to purchase a new license. Is there a trial period? What are the steps I need to take to have 1Password working on the iPad as it is on my Mac?




  • Hi Cornelius

    It's great to hear you're considering an iPad 2, I'll admit that I'm tempted myself, but my current iPad works great and the iPad 2 isn't enough of an upgrade right now.

    So, getting 1Password onto your iPad means you'll need a copy of 1Password for iPad, which is available for $9.99 from the iTunes App Store. Because of the way the App Store works, sadly there are no trials available and we can't discount it for our existing customers, as much as we'd like to that is.

    Once you have 1Password installed on your iPad, you can sync your data from the Mac across using either the free and secure Dropbox service or by using Wi-Fi syncing on your local network, both of which are covered in our user guide here:

    Dropbox Syncing:

    Wi-Fi Sync:

    We're currently working on improving our 1Password for iPad user guide, so it's not fully complete right now, but you can find it here:

    Hope that helps,

    [quote name='cornelius' timestamp='1299630663' post='22104']

    I have been using 1Password on my Mac for a couple of years. Wouldn't be without it. Now that iPad2 is out I am considering getting one. What do I need to know about 1Password on the iPad? For example, I suppose I will have to purchase a new license. Is there a trial period? What are the steps I need to take to have 1Password working on the iPad as it is on my Mac?



  • cornelius
    cornelius Junior Member
    Thanks, Stu. Sounds good. I already use Dropbox to synch 1Password on my Macs. As soon as I have the iPad2 I will try setting it up. I will revisit this topic if I have further questions.

  • You're welcome, Cornelius!

    If you're already using Dropbox then you're in good shape for syncing with the iPad 2. Please don't hesitate to post further questions here, or drop us a note via and we'll be happy to hep out.

    [quote name='cornelius' timestamp='1299633723' post='22112']

    Thanks, Stu. Sounds good. I already use Dropbox to synch 1Password on my Macs. As soon as I have the iPad2 I will try setting it up. I will revisit this topic if I have further questions.


  • [color=#1C2837][size=2]Cornelius,[/size][/color]



    [color=#1C2837][size=2]I sync 1P through Dropbox on my iMac at home, Windows at work, my iPhone, and iPad. Everything works beautifully and I have drawn the conclusion that the 1Password team has set the bar for Dropbox syncing. I wish that other apps would adopt their style.[/size][/color]
  • Why thank you, Fooligan!

    Everyone here loves Dropbox, so for us it was just a natural fit to be our first cloud syncing solution. I don't think it will be our only cloud syncing option, but it works well, it's reliable and is very easy to setup.

    Thanks again <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [quote name='Fooligan' timestamp='1299692292' post='22140']




    [color=#1C2837][size=2]I sync 1P through Dropbox on my iMac at home, Windows at work, my iPhone, and iPad. Everything works beautifully and I have drawn the conclusion that the 1Password team has set the bar for Dropbox syncing. I wish that other apps would adopt their style.[/size][/color]
