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Support for ShopRunner?

cmyers Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Can I fill my ShopRunner login on multiple sites?</div>I ran across ShopRunner ( a couple weeks ago when refilling a prescription at It's a 3rd party that provides free 2-day shipping to member sites automatically for $79/year. Basically, the same thing as Amazon's Prime (which I do love dearly) only it covers multiple companies., PetSmart, ToysRUs/BabiesRUs, Radio Shack, and several others. Newegg is on their coming soon list.

Given how much I use Amazon's Prime, and they were offering a 30 day trial, I figured it was worth signing up to see how it worked. Unfortunately, I found out -after- signing up that prescriptions aren't covered so I haven't used it yet.

I was about to buy something else that should be covered so I went to use it and ran into a slight issue. Because ShopRunner is handling the membership, not the actual merchant, during the checkout process on the merchant's site you have to authenticate against ShopRunner using your ShopRunner credentials. For, they bring up the ShopRunner login in an HTML window within the main site page. 1Password doesn't like this.

1Password sees that I'm at and only offers that as an option to fill. I can't use the Go & Fill option because that would take me off to ShopRunner's site, not fill in the info in the floating window for I don't know of any way to handle the login process here outside of going back and forth between the main 1Password app and browser to copy & paste the various bits of information. I don't know if all sites implement the login this way, but I wouldn't be too surprised.

Is there some way to handle filling in a floating window like this outside of the manual copy/paste method? Is there a way to have a site's login credentials appear as an option even if on a different site?



  • Hi Chad,

    Thanks for the post, and the great explanation of what ShopRunner does, sounds like a fantastic service.

    So, here's the deal, right now 1Password is intentionally designed to prevent you filling in login credentials for one site, in this case ShopRunner, at another site. You might think 'wait, what, why?' and the reason we're doing this is to try to prevent what are known as 'phishing' attacks, where a site that isn't the site you have an account with, but is pretending to be that site, asks you for your login details.

    A common example of this is with banks, I'm sure you've seen stuff about this on TV and online. Lets say I have an account with Barclays (which I do, as it happens) but I end up at a fake site, say instead of, which could be through a fake e-mail or malware on my system (don't worry, I'm more careful than that, this is just an example). The site may look genuine enough, they often do apart from some obvious English language failures, but when I try to use the magic of 1Password, the digital copy of Dave & Roustem we put into every version of 1Password say 'Wait a second, this isn't Barclays, eh?' (sorry guys, Canadian joke there) and as such won't fill your details.

    That, in our opinion, is a great safety feature but it has a disadvantage. Many sites are now using the same credentials across many different sites in a network, or in this case handling memberships for other services, and so you need to be able to login to other sites using the same credentials.

    We've realised this, and we're looking into making it possible to associate multiple URLs with a single Login item, which should take care of the ShopRunner issue for you, however I don't have a timeframe for when this will be available. Doing things this way means that you, the user, get to control which sites can access the login credentials.

    For now, the only solution is to have multiple logins saved, for each site you need to use ShopRunner on, which isn't ideal we know.

    So, while the future is going to improve this, I'm sorry that you're facing this issue right now, but I hope you'll stick with us while we work to make 1Password even better.

    [quote name='cmyers' timestamp='1299970966' post='22331']

    I ran across ShopRunner ( a couple weeks ago when refilling a prescription at It's a 3rd party that provides free 2-day shipping to member sites automatically for $79/year. Basically, the same thing as Amazon's Prime (which I do love dearly) only it covers multiple companies., PetSmart, ToysRUs/BabiesRUs, Radio Shack, and several others. Newegg is on their coming soon list.

    Given how much I use Amazon's Prime, and they were offering a 30 day trial, I figured it was worth signing up to see how it worked. Unfortunately, I found out -after- signing up that prescriptions aren't covered so I haven't used it yet.

    I was about to buy something else that should be covered so I went to use it and ran into a slight issue. Because ShopRunner is handling the membership, not the actual merchant, during the checkout process on the merchant's site you have to authenticate against ShopRunner using your ShopRunner credentials. For, they bring up the ShopRunner login in an HTML window within the main site page. 1Password doesn't like this.

    1Password sees that I'm at and only offers that as an option to fill. I can't use the Go & Fill option because that would take me off to ShopRunner's site, not fill in the info in the floating window for I don't know of any way to handle the login process here outside of going back and forth between the main 1Password app and browser to copy & paste the various bits of information. I don't know if all sites implement the login this way, but I wouldn't be too surprised.

    Is there some way to handle filling in a floating window like this outside of the manual copy/paste method? Is there a way to have a site's login credentials appear as an option even if on a different site?

