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Noob Question

<div class="IPBDescription">Soon to add iPad2</div>I have 1Password for my MAC and for my iPod Touch. In a bit I will receive an iPad2 and this will be one of the first, if not the first, apps I add. I am accustomed to syncing my iPod Touch with the MAC version. So quick and easy. Will the iPad2 version sync in the same manner?

What is the buzz about "Dropbox"? I don't know a thing about it, but several posts rave about its simplicity. Should I get this and is this the preferred manner of syncing between my devices?


  • Hi NoBite,

    First of all, if you already have 1Password Pro on your iPod touch then you'll be all set and you can just download this again to your new iPad 2. If, however you have the standard 1Password for iPhone, then you'll need to purchase 1Password for iPad for $9.99 from the iTunes App Store.

    In either case, you can absolutely sync your existing data from the Mac using Wi-Fi, in fact this is one of the first options when you launch 1Password on your iPad for the first time.

    Dropbox is a fantastic service, it's free, secure and in our experience incredibly reliable. Using Dropbox to sync your 1Password data means that everything happens automatically, changes on your Mac are synced to your iPod touch and iPad 2 without you having to start the sync process by unlocking both apps as you do right now.

    The best thing I can suggest is to take a look at our guide on setting up Dropbox syncing here:

    Hope that helps,

    [quote name='NoBite' timestamp='1300057769' post='22378']

    I have 1Password for my MAC and for my iPod Touch. In a bit I will receive an iPad2 and this will be one of the first, if not the first, apps I add. I am accustomed to syncing my iPod Touch with the MAC version. So quick and easy. Will the iPad2 version sync in the same manner?

    What is the buzz about "Dropbox"? I don't know a thing about it, but several posts rave about its simplicity. Should I get this and is this the preferred manner of syncing between my devices?

  • Thanks Stu. Can't wait to get 1Password on the iPad. This is my most trusted app on my iPod touch. Love it on my MAC, too.
  • [quote name='NoBite' timestamp='1300063714' post='22386']

    Thanks Stu. Can't wait to get 1Password on the iPad. This is my most trusted app on my iPod touch. Love it on my MAC, too.


    I have now installed Dropbox on my MAC and iPod Touch. I haven't gone as far as to enable syncing via Dropbox. I may do that. I realize this has been given a thorough polishing, but I am still curious of the security in place. Just not understanding that yet.
  • NoBite,

    Your 1Password data is encrypted at all times using 128-bit AES encryption, regardless of where the data file is stored. This means that even if someone could access your Dropbox account, they'd still need somewhere in the region of 149 trillion years to break the encryption we use on your data file.

    On top of the security in the 1Password data file itself Dropbox also encrypt the data in your account using 256-bit AES encryption and the data transfer between your device is secured using SSL. The end result means that it's highly unlikely that anyone could ever access your 1Password data when it's being synced with Dropbox.

    I included a link to the complete sync setup guide above, but I'll also give you the specific links to each step of the process here.

    To get started you'll first need to tell 1Password on your Mac to store your 1Password data file on Dropbox, this is as easy as going to 1Password > Preferences > General and clicking the 'Move to Dropbox' button you see there. You can get more detailed instructions on this here:

    Once that's done, and Dropbox is fully synced, you can then enable Dropbox syncing within 1Password on your iPod touch (you don't need to launch the Dropbox app itself to do this) by going to More > Settings > Sync > Dropbox and following the instructions to enter your Dropbox credentials and the relevant master passwords.

    Hope that helps get you up and running.

    [quote name='NoBite' timestamp='1300181832' post='22449']

    I have now installed Dropbox on my MAC and iPod Touch. I haven't gone as far as to enable syncing via Dropbox. I may do that. I realize this has been given a thorough polishing, but I am still curious of the security in place. Just not understanding that yet.

  • I have now enabled sync via Dropbox. Couldn't have been simpler. Thanks!
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for updating the thread to let us know. On behalf of Stu, you are quite welcome! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know.

    We are always here to help!