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Feature Requests

Gazooo123 Junior Member
Hey Gene,

I reposted this as another topic for organizational reasons on the threads with a few edits.

[b]3 Requests.....[/b]

1. I type and move so fast on my phone I would like the option of being able to see my password as I type. The current setting only allows that checkbox for the function to work after a character is placed in the curser box. Would just make the whole thing smoother for me to tic that box first.

2. I see you havent been able to get the letter to show on the alpha scroller when cruising through all my passwords, I still would like to see that.

3. Could you bring back the ability to change themes like in 1PA 1.6 version.

I won't bother posting as a request making 1PA a full featured app with ability to change passwords and fill forms as I know that is the ultimate goal.




  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Gazooo123,

    Thank you for the feedback.

    I am gathering users feedback and I will try to implement most important requests in the next releases.

    Themes menu option will not going to appear, in fact none of the Android applications I use (and none of iOS applications I reviewed) have an option to change

    themes on the fly. I am glad with the current themes, fonts and color gradients, so far I received a overwhelmingly good feedback about the 1Password new user interface.

    Moreover,I want to let you know that Agile Graphic Designer ( a wizard in his field) is currently working on the new user interface for all Agile products, I hope to adopt some of his ideas for

    1Password for Android.

    Sorry, I still cannot figure our what you mean by

    " I see you havent been able to get the letter to show on the alpha scroller when cruising through all my passwords, I still would like to see that."

    could you please elaborate on that ?

    I am still worried about PIN, there were no changes to this area, I assume it should work exactly the same as before.

    Could you tell me: locking/unlocking with Master Password, does it work fine ?

    Soooo: you enter PIN number and application goes into infinite loop, PIN window reappear again each time you enter a valid PIN and click OK ?

    Therefore, the only option is to kill the application through Task Manager, correct ?

    Thank you again for the information and your help, it is critically important for me.



    [quote name='Gazooo123' timestamp='1300158255' post='22441']

    Hey Gene,

    I reposted this as another topic for organizational reasons on the threads with a few edits.

    [b]3 Requests.....[/b]

    1. I type and move so fast on my phone I would like the option of being able to see my password as I type. The current setting only allows that checkbox for the function to work after a character is placed in the curser box. Would just make the whole thing smoother for me to tic that box first.

    2. I see you havent been able to get the letter to show on the alpha scroller when cruising through all my passwords, I still would like to see that.

    3. Could you bring back the ability to change themes like in 1PA 1.6 version.

    I won't bother posting as a request making 1PA a full featured app with ability to change passwords and fill forms as I know that is the ultimate goal.


