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BUG: Merrill Lynch login page not handled correctly.

Sam I. Am
Sam I. Am Junior Member
The fields on the Merrill Lynch login page do not auto-fill. Nor does 1P seem to recognize the login page as such when entering your username for the first time.

Go ahead and try entering a bogus username to see what happens.


  • Hi Sam I. Am,

    I just posted a procedure to follow here:

    Manually saving the login item worked for me. You will have to do this occasionally for some sites as 1Password may not recognize the submit on the page.
  • Thanks for this Fooligan, you're exactly right, sometimes manually saving the login is required, though we're working hard to make this a rare occurrence.

    [quote name='Fooligan' timestamp='1300236828' post='22516']

    Hi Sam I. Am,

    I just posted a procedure to follow here:

    Manually saving the login item worked for me. You will have to do this occasionally for some sites as 1Password may not recognize the submit on the page.
