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FEATURE REQ: Fill last used password.

Sam I. Am
Sam I. Am Junior Member
This is different than having the last generated password being available. Essentially, I would like the last used password to be an available choice from the 1P browser plugin menu. Many sites require reconfirmation of your password as a barrier for certain activities. I just bumped into this on Twitter's site when I tried to update some profile information (specifically, the desire to always use https -- you should update your twitter accounts too). The popup that requests your password again barfs on "Fill & Submit Twitter" as it loads your username into the password field. A "Fill Last Password" would be perfect.


  • Hi Sam,

    Thanks for the post and the suggestion, that's a very interesting idea. However, in general 1Password should be able to fill just your password for a given login, if that's what has been requested.

    I just tried this with my own Twitter account, changing exactly the same option (thanks for the tip) and I could use the Command + \ shortcut to bring up the list of my Twitter logins and fill the appropriate password.

    It sounds like your Twitter login may need to be re-saved manually from the page. To do this please follow these steps in Safari or Firefox:

    1. Enter your username and password, but DO NOT submit the form.

    2. Click the 1Password button in your browser's toolbar, and choose Save Login.

    3. Set the Action field to Create New Login (or to Replace <login-name>, to update an existing Login item).

    4. Click the Save button.

    Hopefully that should let you fill just your password when prompted on Twitter.

    Please let me know if that works for you.

    [quote name='Sam I. Am' timestamp='1300236345' post='22514']

    This is different than having the last generated password being available. Essentially, I would like the last used password to be an available choice from the 1P browser plugin menu. Many sites require reconfirmation of your password as a barrier for certain activities. I just bumped into this on Twitter's site when I tried to update some profile information (specifically, the desire to always use https -- you should update your twitter accounts too). The popup that requests your password again barfs on "Fill & Submit Twitter" as it loads your username into the password field. A "Fill Last Password" would be perfect.
