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How does encryption impact recovery?


I'm looking at using Knox to encrypt certain folders on my mac. However, I'm worried about recovery.

What happens if my hard drive goes pear-shaped and gets corrupted. Does Knox encryption make recovery of data harder? What if I lose bits of data from my hard drive and can recover most of it - will I still be able to access the remaining encrypted data or will encryption somehow limit this?



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, mynameise!

    Encryption certainly adds another element to the process, but it depends on what you lose. That is why Knox includes a built-in backup feature to prevent the worst from happening. You don't want to risk having to attempt a vault rebuild in order to get to your most important information. In some cases it is possible to recover a damaged vault, but not in all. Please be sure to always back up your data.

    Let me know if you any further questions or concerns. We are always here to help!