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Feature Request: Multiple 1Password Keychains



  • Count 1 vote from me as well. I have a similar need to many of the folks posting in the forum. I use 1password for personal use, but also run a small company that would benefit from the ability to share a subset of my passwords.
  • datico
    datico Junior Member
    Count my vote as well.

    Honestly, I'm getting desperate. There seems to be no other password program out there which stores each entry as a separate file, so it will sync cleanly with eg: Dropbox. I can find no alternative to use with my business unit for shared passwords (of which we are starting to have a few hundred for various reasons).

    There have been a lot of proposed ideas on how to implement this concept. Here's mine:

    Re-compile 1Password as "1Password Business." Let it have it's own application ID and file, permissions files, options, etc. Duplicate the browser plugin too...let it have it's own name and ID, and a different auto-fill shortcut key. Release it and charge me twice as much...I don't care. As long as my team can have shared synced passwords it would fit the bill and solve a major headache.

    IN fact, if you could tweak 1Password as an app which was entirely self-contained, so that I could just duplicate "" as "1Password -" and it would work flawlessly as a second app with a 2nd agilekeychain file, this would be so much more flexible. You could create 3 or 4 apps then if you had different levels of sharing going on in the company. The trick then is the browser plugin; I suppose it's harder to have each app's copy install it's own plugin with it's own shortcut key, probably a new browser plugin which found and merged agilekeychains from the multiple copies of the app would be necessary.

    I like your concept of being able to share a folder of passwords with other users, but it doesn't really fit the bill for us I don't think. I want to create a record with the password for a server at work, but I want my co-workers to be able to edit it if they update the password later, and have it synced among all team members. Just the same way 1Password will sync among multiple computers has to be a 2 way thing or it's pointless in all the scenarios I can think of.

    Dropbox now has the option to share a subfolder with other users, which apparently puts the subfolder in the other user's dropbox and does a 2-way sync. This seems like it would work great, if 1Password could either allow multiple agilekeychain files at once, or if the agilekeychain file/directory were organized in such a way that I could drill into it and share some subfolder out. In fact if this were an option, I would create a new dropbox account for my team, put an agilekeychain on it, and share it out to myself and others. This way if someone from the team moves on we can remove their access, without having to worry about who shared it out first.

    Anyway lots of ideas out there and I know you're considering your options....the higher priority the better!
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the feedback, datico!

    We have some trick up our sleeves still. We will probably go with "[url=""]data sharing[/url]" rather than adding support for multiple data files (as this thread suggests).

    I don't have anything to announce, but you can be sure there will be a good amount of fanfare on [url=""]our blog[/url], in these forums, and we'll likely send out a [url=""]newsletter[/url] as well. This is a highly sought after feature. As users of 1Password ourselves, we at AgileBits would love this too!

    Best regards,
  • kyreeth
    kyreeth Junior Member
    Count me in for this feature, too! Usage case is much the same as other users on the thread - A bunch of personal passwords which I want to keep to myself, and some work passwords I'd like to keep synchronized with coworkers devices - mac, windows, iphones, android.. I think there's a blackberry there somewhere too, but we can probably force an ipod touch on him. :>
  • Hello kyreeth!

    Thanks for adding your vote. User feedback is important to us, and we do listen.

    As Khad mentioned, we don't have anything to announce right now, but please keep checking back.


  • JMB1644
    JMB1644 Junior Member
    I have the exact same issue, but I don't think 1Password is the right tool for 'Business' passwords. The reason is that your company/client inherently owns those passwords, and often you have to share specific passwords with your team/employees/contractors.

    So I use 1Password for all my PERSONAL passwords, and I use LastPass for all BUSINESS/CLIENT passwords. This way, I can share 'password privileges' using Lastpass with my contractors, but if they leave the team I can revoke the privileges and they NEVER actually knew the password (this is a feature of LastPass). It also makes it easy for a client to share their site passwords without me having to bug them if they change their password or if they forget to tell me they changed it.

    Sorry to promote another password solution on this forum, I love 1P! I think that LastPass is designed for person-to-person sharing and 1P is designed for single users.
  • ehed
    ehed Junior Member
    I'd love to be able to share some passwords (e.g., amazon) with my wife's installation of 1password. So, +1 I guess <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    At work, we've thought sharing would be great too. We have a team of 5 people who need access to the same 40+ passwords, and these must change often. Ideally, one person would own all the passwords and they'd sync as necessary.
  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    Thanks for the additional "votes" today. We do appreciate knowing what would be of interest to our customers. I was quite certain this was still on you minds. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • Hi there,

    I use 1P personally and would like to use it at work as well. Sharing/Syncing common passwords as well as still having your own passwords is essential functionality for us. And a show stopper.

    Until this is solved... we can't purchase it for my team..

    We've tried few syncing options, but we didn't find any suitable solution. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_sweating.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='(sweat)' />


  • Hello Dima and welcome to the Forums!

    Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your frustration, and we hope to address your needs in the future.


This discussion has been closed.