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1Password won't fill credit card number

It fills my name and the expiration date, but never the number (I just tried this on Amazon). Why is this?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the heads up, Mr. Laser Beam!

    With millions of websites out there that are all coded differently, it is very difficult to get 1Password to fill in data on all of them perfectly. With that said, we're excited to tackle this very difficult problem, and form filling is something that we are constantly working to improve. Future updates of 1Password will increase the accuracy of the form filler for both credit cards and identities.

    In fact, this is actually already working properly in our very latest form filling code. You can see it in action in our Chrome extension. I don't have a time frame for when such code will be ported back to our Safari and Firefox extensions, but that is the current plan.