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Password History in Duplicated Logins? :-(

benfdc Perspective Giving Member
<div class="IPBDescription">I wish there were a way to get rid of it</div>I love the Command-D feature in 1P/Mac.

But it's almost useless for login items because the copy carries the password history of the source, and even if the source login doesn't have a history the copied login item will forever be branded with the password of its source.

If there's a way to purge the password history, I haven't found it yet. Even if AWS considers indelible password history to be a feature, not a bug, there ought to be a way to start with a blank slate when a new login is created using Edit > Duplicate. Maybe a user preference. Maybe Command-Shift-D to create a duplicate with a blank password and no history.


  • [quote name='benfdc' timestamp='1301411357' post='23500']

    I love the Command-D feature in 1P/Mac.

    But it's almost useless for login items because the copy carries the password history of the source, and even if the source login doesn't have a history the copied login item will forever be branded with the password of its source.[/quote]

    Exactly! And manually duplicating items to leave their pw history behind can be tedious, especially since 1P doesn't support viewing/editing multiple items simultaneously.

    Vaguely like if Send Again in Mail disallowed modification of certain content in the duplicate it creates.

    [quote]If there's a way to purge the password history, I haven't found it yet.[/quote]

    AFAIK there's no direct/easy method of doing it.

    [quote]Even if AWS considers indelible password history to be a feature, not a bug, there ought to be a way to start with a blank slate when a new login is created using Edit > Duplicate. […] Maybe Command-Shift-D to create a duplicate with a blank password and no history.[/quote]

    I'd be satisfied with that.

    Coincidentally, btw, if I hadn't been so tired I'd have posted about this last night (since it's been increasingly annoying lately) so I appreciate you doing it for me. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • Hi Ben and SJK,

    I was thinking about exactly this recently, and I agree with you both. While not being able to purge the password history for an item is a good thing, it's a safety net, it should be possible to duplicate an item without it's password history, as often you're duplicating a Login item for a working login on a site to just swap out the username and password for another login.

    I use the duplicate feature myself a lot too when creating templates to be exported for helping users with really tricky login problems and it frustrates me that there's no way to create a clean slate from my 'testing' login which will often have a password history after testing.

    I'll bring this up with our developers to see if we can find a way to have a duplicate without the password history, I like Ben's idea of using Command-Shift-D so that will be something I mention too.

    Thanks for the feedback, as always <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />