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Find, Dragging to Folders

kalmdown Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">A few minor items I'd like to see changed</div>1) I'd like the Find bar to always be available. 90% of the time I am in the actual application I am looking for an item. Don't need a Find button...just leave it up all the time.

2) Drag & Drop - I did a Find on a term and wanted to drag the results to a folder. 1Password wouldn't let me because some of the items were already in the folder. Why should it care? Add the ones that aren't already in the folder. Change the folder of any that aren't in the folder.

3) Need a column in the list with which folder each item is in...for search results.


  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    [quote name='kalmdown' timestamp='1301505339' post='23575']

    1) I'd like the Find bar to always be available. 90% of the time I am in the actual application I am looking for an item. Don't need a Find button...just leave it up all the time.


    1.0.5.BETA-179 is doing this.
  • Thanks for the suggestions, kalmdown!

    Regarding the first one: As I understand it, if you have the "find" field showing when you quit 1Password, it'll be showing again the next time you launch 1Password; in other words, its showing/hidden status will be persistent across sessions.

    The other two sound like good ideas, too, and they may be something we can look into including in a future release of 1Password for Windows.