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Theme feature request


As we all know one of the latest updates removed usual black theme:( As I can see in app reviews on the market - I'm not the only one not happy with the new color scheme and fonts. Guys - is it possible to bring back old nice black theme or at least to have an ability to select old and usual color scheme? Thanks.


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Rimvydas,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Could you please provide more information on what exactly is wrong with an existing color scheme ?

    I will be glad to make changes to the 1Password for Android UI in the next version but I need your detailed input on what exactly is not looking good.

    So far user feedback about the new 1Password for Android user interface has been overwhelmingly positive. The application is rendered perfectly fine on my

    Nexus One in both portrait and landscape modes.In addition, here in the office we have several Android phones which we use for the application testing, the program

    looks fine on them too.

    If possible, could you send me a screenshot from your phone (to and detailed information on what you'd like to be changed ?

    You feedback would be very important for me.

    BTW, there are no plans to go back to the black and white scheme, it looks pretty ugly.

    The 1P4A scheme is fairly consistent with many other Android applications and doesn't place much strain on your phone's batteries too.

    Switching between different schemes is very difficult to implement when I comes to the complex user interface, besides, it is not a common feature of Android applications.

    Will be waiting for more information.

    Thank you in advance and best regards,


    Android developer

    [quote name='Rimvydas' timestamp='1301944548' post='23934']


    As we all know one of the latest updates removed usual black theme:( As I can see in app reviews on the market - I'm not the only one not happy with the new color scheme and fonts. Guys - is it possible to bring back old nice black theme or at least to have an ability to select old and usual color scheme? Thanks.

  • Gene,

    Thanks for your interest:) I'm not saying that I have something displayed wrong in this app I'm only saying that I get used to black interface which is in a lot of android apps. I saw 1password with black interface and liked it very much (it wasn't ugly for sure, at least for me), but when the colors changed I felt like something is wrong with the app. But its only my humble opinion. And I mentioned you earlier - after white text on black background, the new font on the new background seemed like washed out. But if you are not going back to black theme, there is nothing much to talk about because nothing will change:)

    Few latest feedback messages from the market:


    Yet another disappointing update. No new functionality (which this app desperately needs) and horrible color scheme...


    Force closes on start sometimes. Interface a bit ugly. (HTC desire)


    And usual request which appears in almost every feedback message - make an ability to edit various entries at last:)
  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Rimvydas,

    I completely understand your ideas about black and white interface for Android applications.

    I personally prefer to have a brighter default scheme (similar to what iOS has), I find it much more appealing to the eye.

    Here is the reason for the black/white default Android scheme:

    Couple of years ago when Android OS was first introduced, phone batteries were pretty weak and could barely support

    an intense processing required for the OS.As you probably know, black/white scheme is most efficient in terms of resources.

    Therefore, application developers often made a decision to stay with B/W in order to avoid an intense batteries draining.

    However,nowadays batteries are much more powerful (for ex, my Nexus One has fantastic batteries), OS ver > 2.0 is pretty well optimized and, consequently, there is no need anymore to adhere to the

    basic color scheme .

    On Windows Phone 7 the situation is quite different. The Phone 7 OS is not quite optimized in terms of resource consumption and drains batteries very quickly. Thus, black/white

    scheme (or similar predominantly dark backgrounds) is recommended for the most of applications.



    [quote name='Rimvydas' timestamp='1302080067' post='24050']


    Thanks for your interest:) I'm not saying that I have something displayed wrong in this app I'm only saying that I get used to black interface which is in a lot of android apps. I saw 1password with black interface and liked it very much (it wasn't ugly for sure, at least for me), but when the colors changed I felt like something is wrong with the app. But its only my humble opinion. And I mentioned you earlier - after white text on black background, the new font on the new background seemed like washed out. But if you are not going back to black theme, there is nothing much to talk about because nothing will change:)

    Few latest feedback messages from the market:


    Yet another disappointing update. No new functionality (which this app desperately needs) and horrible color scheme...


    Force closes on start sometimes. Interface a bit ugly. (HTC desire)


    And usual request which appears in almost every feedback message - make an ability to edit various entries at last:)

  • Thanks for your understanding:) I strongly hope that editable version of 1Password for Android is not so far away from now:)
  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    You are very welcome, Rimvydas !

    Will let you and all 1Password for Android customers know when some exiting new staff is available on the Market !


    Gene <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' />

    [quote name='Rimvydas' timestamp='1302160930' post='24133']

    Thanks for your understanding:) I strongly hope that editable version of 1Password for Android is not so far away from now:)
