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Custom keychain names

Axel Junior Member
The 1Password Android app appears to only allow my keychain to be named "1Password.agilekeychain" on the SD card. Since I have multiple keychains I prefer a more specific naming scheme (i.e. Axel.agilekeychain). This isn't a problem for the Mac application, can the Android application card navigation be updated to only expect a specific file extension, not the whole filename?


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Axel,

    The beta version of 1Password for Android requires your 1Password data file to be named exactly 1Password.agilekeychain (the default name given by 1Password application to the data file).

    Vast majority of 1Password users do not rename the data file and stay with a default one.

    If you have more than one keychain on your phone's SD card, that is not a problem: create several folders on the card, name them appropriately and place one data file in each folder.

    (that is what I do, I have 8 different keychains on the phone's SD card which I use for my testing and keep them in separate folders).

    This way you can easily switch between different data files.

    Please let me know if you need an additional information.

    Best regards,

    Gene <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' />

    [quote name='Axel' timestamp='1302068905' post='24042']

    The 1Password Android app appears to only allow my keychain to be named "1Password.agilekeychain" on the SD card. Since I have multiple keychains I prefer a more specific naming scheme (i.e. Axel.agilekeychain). This isn't a problem for the Mac application, can the Android application card navigation be updated to only expect a specific file extension, not the whole filename?

  • Axel
    Axel Junior Member
    Hi Gene,

    [quote name='GeneY' timestamp='1302136310' post='24101']

    The beta version of 1Password for Android requires your 1Password data file to be named exactly 1Password.agilekeychain (the default name given by 1Password application to the data file).

    Vast majority of 1Password users do not rename the data file and stay with a default one.

    If you have more than one keychain on your phone's SD card, that is not a problem: create several folders on the card, name them appropriately and place one data file in each folder.


    Certainly, I understand there are several potential workarounds. However, I believe this is still a reasonable feature request for parity with the desktop application.

    FWIW, I use a file sync program to keep my SD card and specific directories on my Mac, Android and server in sync. Using separate folders as you suggest would mean reorganizing everything just to overcome this Android limitation. Again, I'd love to see parity with the desktop app.

  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hi Axel,

    I completely agree with your suggestions. I am definitely planning to make 1Password for Android to work with different data file names, there is no reason

    to limit it to the default file name only.

    I was simply not sure how often 1Password customers change the keychain name. If this is an acceptable practice adopted by many 1Password users, I will make a change in the

    1Password for Android and allow it to work with different key chain names.

    Please stay tuned for the updates on Market.

    Best regards,


    [quote name='Axel' timestamp='1302148333' post='24120']

    Hi Gene,

    Certainly, I understand there are several potential workarounds. However, I believe this is still a reasonable feature request for parity with the desktop application.

    FWIW, I use a file sync program to keep my SD card and specific directories on my Mac, Android and server in sync. Using separate folders as you suggest would mean reorganizing everything just to overcome this Android limitation. Again, I'd love to see parity with the desktop app.

