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Chrome shortcut key boo-boo

<div class="IPBDescription">Shortcut key CTRL+\ doesn't work or prompt to login</div>This might be an issue you're aware of, but in Chrome for Windows, if you start the browser fresh, and try to use 1Password with the keyboard shortcut, it doesn't respond.

Only after you click the icon and enter the password does the shortcut key then work. Should this [pressing of the keyboard shortcut] not prompt for the password on first use?

Thanks as always,



  • Hi, Al.

    It seems that pressing Ctrl+\ in Chrome has no effect unless you're on a page for which you have a Login item saved, and that that behavior is consistent with 1Password-enabled Chrome on the Mac, too.

    So, it's not a matter of having just launched Chrome or of Chrome still being locked, but of not being on a page with a corresponding Login item.

    In Chrome, you can visit the URL of a page for which you have a Login, and press Ctrl+\; or you can click the "key" icon, choose All Logins, and choose the Login for that page.

    In 1Password for Windows, you can launch 1Password, select the Login for that page, and click on the URL in the Location field.

    We apologize for any convenience, Al.
  • In fact, I must apologise - I've been doing some testing and I think you're right. It's working as expected just now, prompting for the master password with a popup window when I press CTRL+\ after launching Chrome in Windows, on a domain with a stored login.

    Perhaps I was on a domain without a login.

    Ignore this thread - if I have a real issue in future related to this, I'll raise it again.


  • Thanks for the follow-up, Al!

    [i](I pulled the post you asked us to ignore, just to reduce clutter.)[/i]
  • RandyN
    RandyN Junior Member
    [quote name='Lightwave' timestamp='1302290400' post='24287']

    This might be an issue you're aware of, but in Chrome for Windows, if you start the browser fresh, and try to use 1Password with the keyboard shortcut, it doesn't respond.

    Only after you click the icon and enter the password does the shortcut key then work. Should this [pressing of the keyboard shortcut] not prompt for the password on first use?

    Thanks as always,



    Read the thread and I'm experiencing this problem ever since I upgraded to the latest version. When I first start Chrome, if I use Ctrl + \ I do not get the popup dialog box to login. It doesn't make a difference if I have a valid login for the site or not, it does not pop up. I have to click the button on the toolbar and login this way. After logging in this way, Ctrl + \ sometimes works and sometimes doesn't work.

    I've been using 1Password since mid-beta and the current version is the only time this has happened. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Hi, Randy.

    I reported this to the developers, yesterday, and I hope to hear from them soon.

    Thanks for your patience!
  • I've had this same issue (Chrome, shortcut does not work until window manually launched at least once) for at least a few weeks (OS X 10.6.7, 1P 3.6.0BETA-40). Any resolution?



  • Welcome to the forum, Doug! Sorry it's taken so long for anyone to respond to your post. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

    I don't know of a resolution. I've seen the same problem in 1Password for Mac, as well, which makes sense, as the 1Password for Mac and 1Password for Windows extensions for Chrome are essentially identical.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.