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Not syncing with phone or ipad

BLOND37 Junior Member
edited April 2011 in iOS
i have read all the directions etc 1p to work on desktop. fine.

installed 1p pro on phone and pad LIKE I WAS TOLD

UPDATED 4-10-11, 12:22pm

set up on phone ok.

did a sync and it synced 4 items that were on desktop ok.

problem - ipad. synced 2 items last nite but doesnt sync antyhing new even when i have auto sync set and stuff. exited prog and restarted still dont sync


  • BLOND37
    BLOND37 Junior Member
    Ok well I got a reply back from support. They said I was using wifi not DB WRONG.

    I have it up right.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the update! I can see from my end here that you are receiving some great support via email. We are happy to continue to assist you until everything is resolved. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
