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Secure Notes and Dropbox Sync Problem?

Obviously I am a newbie...

I've recently purchased "1Password for Windows" to sync with my iPod Touch Gen 2 via Dropbox. When I sync, everything works except for problems with Secure Notes. Only the Secure Notes title syncs from the 1Password PC to the Touch. Following the sync, it appears that no data has synced over to the Touch; the Notes fields are empty in the Touch.

Is there a configuration setting that I am missing?

1Password for Windows: V1.0.5.177

iPod Touch: OS 4.2.1

1Password Mobile App (from App Store) version 3.5.7

Thanks, Aero Man


  • Hi all - On Sunday I added the new topic below to the 1Password for Windows forum, which was moved over to this forum (right thing to do - thx). But when I reread my original post today, I see that I did a terrible job of explaining my issue, so I have rewritten my post and hope that this post better describes what help I am requesting:


    Posted Yesterday, 01:44 PM

    I just purchased 1Password for Windows and installed it successfully on my Windows 7 netbook. I'm using it to sync passwords, etc between the netbook and my iPod Touch Gen 2 using Dropbox (Dropbox works great!). I've downloaded and installed the latest 1Password app for iPhone. On the Windows program I've created various "Logins", "Secure Notes", "Wallet", and "Software" records.

    Here's my problem - I can successfully sync everything but not Secure Notes. Following a sync, the Touch app displays everything correctly, except for data within the Secure Notes records. The titles of each Secure Notes record sync properly to the Touch, but the Notes field on the Touch app remain empty following the sync. In other words, following a sync, I can see each synced Secure Notes record title on the Touch, but when I open each Secure Notes record on the Touch, the Notes field is blank. When I got back to the Windows package, the Secure Notes records contain the original data.

    Certainly I must have missed a configuration setting, but I'm now stumped. Any ideas?

    1Password for Windows v

    Touch OS 4.2.1

    1Password for iPhone V3.5.7

    Thanks, Aero Man
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I'm sorry that you are having this problem.

    Are you able to view the contents of the Secure Note on your iPod touch if you edit the item? There is a known issue related to notes of extreme length, but this does not sound like that issue.

    Can you please try this for me?


    [*]Create a Secure Note on your iPod touch.

    [*]Sync that note to 1Password for Windows. Does it show up? With the note contents?

    [*]Edit that same Secure Note in 1Password for Windows.

    [*]Sync that note back to 1Password on your iPod touch. Does it show up? With the note contents?


    Please let me know. I would love to resolve this issue for you.