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Duplicate wallet item

iphoneuser Junior Member

I edited my credit card wallet item with the new expiration date and security code on the desktop but after a sync, I see two credit card entries on the iPhone; one old and one new. The desktop still shows one (the new, edited entry). Multiple syncs and quit/relaunch did not help.

Is this the expected behavior? If 1Pass was treating the edited item as new, wouldn't it also sync the original (older) item back to the desktop?



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    That is certainly interesting. If you edit the old item on your iPhone, does it then show up on your desktop?

    Are you using 1Pasword for Mac or Windows?

    Please let me know. I would love to get to the bottom of this.

  • iphoneuser
    iphoneuser Junior Member
    Sorry for the lack of details. I am using the latest 1Pass on Mac OS X (10.6.7) and the iPhone. I did not try to edit the older wallet item. I did open it a couple of times just to see which entry was new and which was old (they both had the same name). I initiated a sync a few times but it never synced back to the Mac. I eventually deleted it so I can't experiment with it further. I can't think of anything else I did that was unusual. If I find the time, I will try and repeat the edit and see what happens.

    Thanks for the reply.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited 2011 12
    If you are able to reproduce this, I would love to know how. Specific version numbers for your 1Password apps would also be helpful if you report anything further.

    Thanks for mentioning this. I will certainly post here if I come across anything that may give a clue.

    EDIT: Actually, if you have the item in 1Password's trash still, I would love to get a look at the sanitized JSON data.

    Press ⌘C on the item in 1Password and then change the sensitive information to XXXX. For example, in this Credit Card item, [color="#FF0000"]change the credit card number, pin, and CVV to XXXX[/color]. You can paste it into an email to us at if you don't mind. It will look something like this:

    [{"securityLevel":"SL5","locationKey":"","contentsHash":"ec3e4689","location":"","title":"Fake MasterCard","updatedAt":1301794653,"createdAt":1301366615,"secureContents":{"phoneTollFree":"1-888-888-8888","expiry_mm":"11","type":"mc","expiry_yy":"2014","cardholder":"Wendy Appleseed","creditLimit":"$8,000","bank":"CapitalOne","notesPlain":"Sample data, not a real credit card number.","ccnum":"[color="#FF0000"]XXXX[/color]","pin":"[color="#FF0000"]XXXX[/color]","website":"","cvv":"[color="#FF0000"]XXXX[/color]","interest":"19.8%","cashLimit":"$2,000"},"typeName":""}]

    Please also include a link to this thread so we can "connect the dots" when we see you message in our inbox.
  • iphoneuser
    iphoneuser Junior Member

    I actually deleted it on the iPhone and as far as I can tell there is no "trash" on the iPhone app. Checking on the desktop Mac, the item was not in the trash.

    I tried editing the wallet item on the desktop and then letting 1Pass sync automatically (by quitting and relaunching the iPhone app). I tried editing the expiration date, notes, and security code. Each time, 1Pass flagged it as a conflict during the sync and asked me to pick one version. I could not duplicate the duplicate. I am not sure what I might have done differently to trigger this the first time.

    I am using Version 3.5.9 (build 30884) on the desktop and 3.5.7 (Feb 22 2011) on the iPhone with Mac OS X 10.6.7.

    Thanks for your help. Sorry I could not supply you with a trashed copy.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited 2011 13
    Thanks for the update. Please let me know if you come across the issue again (or any others)!

    We are always here to help! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />