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iPhone 4 > Windows > Dropbox

<div class="IPBDescription">Cannot find Dropbox Data file</div>Newbie here, but very excited about this app! Have installed the Pro version of 1Password on my iPhone 4, and Dropbox on my Windows Vista PC. I have tried several times to create the sync between my phone and Dropbox (using same credentials) but no matter what I do, I keep getting a message on the phone that the Dropbox data file cannot be found.

In Windows, when running the Dropbox sync, I'm prompted to create a MS Sharepoint account, I don't understand why (although I use Office 2010). I have a folder called "My Dropbox" and then currently 3 subfolders: Documents, Photos and Public. I don't see any "data file", although I am not even sure where to look.

I logged into my Dropbox account on the Dropbox website and also don't know what's wrong.

Couple of things I should mention in case it makes a difference. I don't sync my iPhone with this Windows PC, I sync it (using iTunes, etc.) with my MacBook Pro. Does that matter?


  • Please delete this thread...problem solved. Read the help instructions on how to configure Dropbox on Windows PC. Just moved the agilekeychain to Dropbox (clicked button) and bingo! works great now.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, bwv565! I'm glad that everything is working well.

    If you don't mind, I'm going to leave the thread here just in case anyone else searching the forums finds it useful.

    Our [url=""]Dropbox sync guide[/url] is the best place to start. Thanks for mentioning it. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />