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Long load time

Piggy Member
This is not a new issue, I'm just getting around to reporting it. It has been the case since at least last year. I assume others are experiencing the same problem and it would eventually be addressed. Maybe this is a bad assumption so I'm reporting it now.

The first time I load the 1Password app after restarting my Windows 7 64-bit laptop w/8 GB RAM it can take 30 seconds before 1P presents a list of records. This is the case even if I rebooted and logged in an hour ago. The app sometimes turns white as Windows thinks it's unresponsive but it always returns to normal on its own. I'm using 1P, stay current but no longer have time to use beta versions.

I have 429 logins, 39 wallet, 34 account, 237 software, 89 secure notes, 2 identities and 72 trash items.