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Leopard-specific issues

edited 2011 17 in Mac
<div class="IPBDescription">split from "Find Duplicates"</div>[quote name='khad' timestamp='1303087318' post='25088']

Hm. I would hope it doesn't look "a little wrong" since that is the Leopard version. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_worried.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':S' /> The Snow-Leopard-only version is still in beta and the text is only a placeholder until it comes out of beta. Sorry for the confusion.

The Snow-Leopard-only version will not run in Leopard at all, so you will know if you ever download it accidentally. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' /> 1Password 3.5.9 — the version you are running — is the version you want. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />


Ok, but then why does the system requirements specifically say "Snow Leopard", and why is there a separate link for a Leopard version? (That's an honest question - I'm not trying to be snarky)

I spent quite some time trying to find the Leopard version, because [b]the app does in fact look wrong[/b] in Leopard (and even behaves wrong in some cases):


[*]For whatever reason the icon for the "widescreen view" in the toolbar button is simply missing (see attached) regardless of whether it's selected or not. I'm running an up-to-date Leopard, and I've tried re-installing the app several times to no avail. It looks right in Snow Leopard.

[*]I get no progress indicator after I've typed my master password to unlock 1Password. A few times I thought I hadn't hit return after typing it, because it didn't seem like anything was happening. Again, it works right in Snow Leopard.

[*] Quick Look'ing attachments doesn't work. It just doens't happen.

[*] Attachment icons and the Dropbox icon look like they're being scaled without smoothing. See attached screenshots.

[*]It doesn't download page previews. That worked for a while, but now it (very oddly) doesn't. Haven't bothered to try it on Snow Leopard; I just removed the previews altogether. (By the way, when it did work, I noticed that it seemed to waste some time downloading and rendering the same URL several times - e.g. once for each of my different Google accounts that all use the same login page. That seems ripe for optimization).


I also thought the source list (the left hand column) had Leopard-issues, but the things that bothered me are the same on the Snow Leopard machine. Unfortunately, the list just looks "not quite right" compared to the source lists for Mail, iTunes, Finder etc. (which sort of set the bar).

It's not a bug per se, but I find it pretty distracting, since it's one of those Mac-aesthetic details that either looks right or it doesn't. And in this case it just doesn't look right. Please see the attached comparison image I just threw together...

[quote name='khad' timestamp='1303087318' post='25088']

In any event, it sounds like you are already familiar with the information in our recent blog post about [url=""]finding duplicate passwords more easily[/url]. A more general "duplicate finder" would be very useful as well. We will certainly take this under advisement.


Actually I hadn't seen that blog post, but searching just seemed logical <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

And I'm glad to hear you find the "duplicate finder" idea interesting.

[quote name='khad' timestamp='1303087318' post='25088']

In the mean time, please also consider sorting your passwords by password strength to quickly prioritize your password changes. You can either sort by password strength in the Traditional or Widescreen layout (View > Layout) or, as mentioned in the aforelinked blog post, create a Smart Folder with "Password Strength" as a search criteria.


Way ahead of ya <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Oh, and sorry you had to do the meta-duplicate-thread-merging; I tried searching for similar feature requests before I posted, but I didn't find anything. Although, my point was really about different accounts using the same password, rather than actual duplicates of the same account, but still.

Edit: Added the points about Quick Look and icon scaling


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited 2011 18
    Thanks for writing back, Flambino.

    [quote]Ok, but then why does the system requirements specifically say "Snow Leopard", and why is there a separate link for a Leopard version? (That's an honest question - I'm not trying to be snarky)[/quote]

    I don't think I did a good job of explaining it when I said it was "placeholder text." In reality it shouldn't be there until 3.6.0 stable is released. It is just plain confusing. However, once 3.6.0 is released, the main download link will be for 3.6.0 (and the text about version 3.x.x will dynamically change with each new update). Download links for Leopard and Tiger will remain static. The confusion will disappear as soon as 3.6.0 is released and the dynamically updated version number changes to be accurate. I kind of wish this was not posted preemptively (as to avoid this present confusion), but that is the backstory. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [quote]the "widescreen view" in the toolbar button is simply missing[/quote]

    This is a known issue in Leopard. Unfortunately, with Leopard support being deprecated, I don't know if it will be resolved. The strange thing is that you are only the second person to ever even mention this. The good news — as you are already aware — is that it does not affect functionality at all. The button (along with the menu items and keyboard shortcuts) still functions properly.

    [quote]I spent quite some time trying to find the Leopard version, because the app does in fact look wrong in Leopard (and even behaves wrong in some cases):

    I get no progress indicator after I've typed my master password to unlock 1Password.

    Quick Look'ing attachments doesn't work. It just doens't happen.

    Attachment icons and the Dropbox icon look like they're being scaled without smoothing. See attached screenshots.[/quote]

    You are correct. There are some slight differences when 1Password is running in Leopard. Apple resolved a lot of issues in Snow Leopard.

    [quote]It doesn't download page previews.[/quote]

    Sounds like a corrupt preference file. Please see my instructions in the "[url=""]Preview and favicon not downloading[/url]" thread. Preview downloading works very well in Leopard. Please let me know how it turns out after allowing 1Password to create a new preference file.

    [quote]I also thought the source list (the left hand column) had Leopard-issues, but the things that bothered me are the same on the Snow Leopard machine. Unfortunately, the list just looks "not quite right" compared to the source lists for Mail, iTunes, Finder etc. (which sort of set the bar).[/quote]

    These were design decisions, but I will pass your critique along to our designer. He always loves feedback!

    [quote]And I'm glad to hear you find the "duplicate finder" idea interesting.[/quote]

    This has actually been coming up more than usual within the last few days. Not sure why that is, but it is certainly on our radar. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [quote]Way ahead of ya [/quote]

    Don't get too cocky. It's not hard to do. Just ask the rest of the team. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

    [quote]Oh, and sorry you had to do the meta-duplicate-thread-merging; I tried searching for similar feature requests before I posted, but I didn't find anything. Although, my point was really about different accounts using the same password, rather than actual duplicates of the same account, but still.[/quote]

    No worries about the merging. Half the time I can't even find posts that I [i]know[/i] I am looking for. IP.Board search is not my favorite. I think the "duplicate passwords" functionality would be rolled into the duplicate finder ("Only passwords" or similar). It also looks like a more popular feature request to the devs if the thread has more posts, so — shhh — I'm on your side. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_bigsmile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-D' />
  • flambino
    edited 2011 18
    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1303103283' post='25116']

    I don't think I did a good job of explaining it when I said it was "placeholder text."


    Yes, you did, but I'm apparently just a moron: For some reason I simply did not read and/or fully register that sentence when I read your reply. Durr...

    Sorry. I don't know what happened there. I plead unconsciousness.

    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1303103283' post='25116']

    This [missing button icon] is a known issue in Leopard. Unfortunately, with Leopard support being deprecated, I don't know if it will be resolved. The strange thing is that you are only the second person to ever even mention this.


    Heh, really? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    At first, I thought my computer - not the app - was acting up, since it seemed like such an obvious bug, that I thought someone would have noticed long ago. It's an odd bug too, since the NSSegmentedCell control (that I assume 1pwd's using) is a system-wide thing; the sort of thing that should "just work".

    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1303103283' post='25116']

    [quick look and icon scaling]

    You are correct. There are some slight differences when 1Password is running in Leopard. Apple resolved a lot of issues in Snow Leopard.


    Well, it's sort of late in the release cycle now, so I sort of understand why you're reluctant to fix it, but still... I did pay good money for your software after all, and it can be made to work, I'd wager. I mean, 1pwd is the only app where I've seen this behavior. Transmit (the FTP client) does Quick Look in Leopard, and if the scaling issue was a system level bug, I'd imagine [i]all[/i] apps would suffer from it, but they don't. So even if some things have required fixes from Apple, other developers have made do without them.

    Yes, I'll be upgrading my OS at some point (waiting to Lion to be released), but for paid software, I'd sort of expect it to fully, 100% support Leopard when it says it does. Or I'd expect to see a "known issues" declaration front and center. Alternative, if it'd said that it simply required Snow Leopard, period, then maybe I wouldn't have bought it. So I must admit, it feels, well, shifty, to say that Leopard's supported, when it isn't really. Call it "slight differences" if you want, but it was more than enough for me to start tying track down a Leopard-specific version, because I thought something was plain [i]wrong[/i], and not just slightly different.

    Sorry for the rant, but, well, c'mon. It's an app for sensitive data, so I'd like to think I can trust its developers.

    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1303103283' post='25116']

    Sounds like a corrupt preference file. Please see my instructions in the "[url=""]Preview and favicon not downloading[/url]" thread. Preview downloading works very well in Leopard. Please let me know how it turns out after allowing 1Password to create a new preference file.


    Thanks, I'll look into it later and report back.

    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1303103283' post='25116']

    These were design decisions, but I will pass your critique along to our designer. He always loves feedback!


    Great, thanks! Again, a similar comparison can be made with iTunes, Finder, iPhoto, you name it. I specifically only mentioned the things that seemed universally consistent across apps (things like the list's background color change from one app to the next already, so I skipped that).

    I must admit the folding triangles especially seem a little worrisome, since they should be consistent without any effort on your part. That leads me to think the entire list is pretty much custom-coded. If it is, then it's entirely on you to fully duplicate a lot of OS behavior, and that's the sort of thing where anything less than perfect becomes noticeable (and distracting) really, really quickly. Especially on a Mac. I admit the app looks very good and very Mac-like at first glance, but the trick is to make it stand up to scrutiny. Which I apparently love to provide.
  • I went ahead a made another little comparison image. It was as much for my own sake, because I wanted to be sure I wasn't seeing things.

    And don't worry, I'll stop pestering you now <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
  • [quote name='khad' timestamp='1303103283' post='25116']

    Sounds like a corrupt preference file. Please see my instructions in the "[url=""]Preview and favicon not downloading[/url]" thread. Preview downloading works very well in Leopard. Please let me know how it turns out after allowing 1Password to create a new preference file.


    It worked, thanks! I may still disable previews just because now I've gotten used to them [i]not[/i] begin there <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Incidentally, in the post you linked to, you mention that it'd be nice, if more sites used the "apple-touch-icon" link tag.... I agree, but, um, this very forum doesn't provide one. Sort of ironic, you have to admit <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited 2011 18
    Thanks for all your feedback, Flambino! You are certainly not pestering in the slightest.

    [quote]Heh, really? [/quote]

    It's possible it has come up before, but I have only ever seen the "widescreen icon missing" issue reported by one other user. It really had us stumped for a while. I don't know the technical details, but it is a Leopard-only issue. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_sadsmile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-(' />

    [quote]Sorry for the rant, but, well, c'mon. It's an app for sensitive data, so I'd like to think I can trust its developers.[/quote]

    I do hope that some visual inconsistencies across two different versions of Mac OS X do not dampen your trust, and we certainly want to do everything we can to bolster it. As you mention, though, it is very late in the release cycle. We have actually dropped Leopard support from the latest betas, so I don't know how much work will be done to continue to support a nearly four year old OS. I completely understand where you are coming from, though, and I can assure you we want 1Password to be a great application under all supported environments. I have shared your comments with the developers and we will take them under advisement.

    We are hard at work on Safari 5.1 support (and other Lion-related issues), and as hard as it is to move on, from a business perspective we really need to focus on the future. We will have a very…vocal group of users if we don't have Lion support on day one (or sooner). <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    We have a lot of great things coming up, and I hope you can take advantage of them whenever we all end up upgrading to Lion. In the mean time, I hope that the issues you listed above do not prevent you from having an otherwise positive experience with 1Password. We also have a no-questions-asked money back guarantee if you would like to take advantage of it. We want to make sure you are not just pleased with 1Password, but flat-out happy with it.

    [quote] I admit the app looks very good and very Mac-like at first glance, but the trick is to make it stand up to scrutiny. Which I apparently love to provide.[/quote]

    It's that exact attention to detail that we appreciate as well. Part of what we are working on right now is a redesign which I hope will address your concerns (or perhaps create some new ones). <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_tongueout.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-P' /> Either way, we would love to know about it.

    [quote]Incidentally, in the post you linked to, you mention that it'd be nice, if more sites used the "apple-touch-icon" link tag.... I agree, but, um, this very forum doesn't provide one. Sort of ironic, you have to admit [/quote]

    Noted. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' />

    Lastly, I am glad that preview downloading is working for you again (regardless of whether you have it enabled or not). <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> That's good news!

    We love hearing from our customers — especially ones with your passion and attention to detail — and are always available to answer to your questions, resolve issues, or just say hello.

    Best regards,
  • jxpx777
    jxpx777 AWS Code Wrangler
    [quote name='flambino' timestamp='1303097916' post='25114']

    [*] Quick Look'ing attachments doesn't work. It just doens't happen.[/quote]

    I stopped by to add that the reason Quick Look doesn't work in Leopard is because there was no public API for Quick Look until 10.6: