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After Firefox 4 upgrade - Twitter login does nothing (?)

Today I upgraded to Firefox 4. I have been using 1Password 3.5.9 and FireFox 3.x (last release) very happily. I followed instructions. 1Password appears in the FireFox toolbar, and login seem to work correctly for each site I've tried - except for

I have four twitter logins all rooted at ref url When I edit any of the Twitter logins, the 1Password def shows only two fields: username and password.

If choose one of the Twitter logins in FF4 the browser navigates to the Twitter home page with username / password prompt in the upper right, but never logs in or leaves the home screen. If I'm on that page in FF4, the browser pulldown shows all four accounts, but when I choose one, nothing happens.

The same login works like a charm using the 1Password browser button in Safari.

I looked through the FF4 FAQ and reinstalled the 1Password FF4 extension following the step by step instructions.

Any clue? I have Firebug, Page Speed, Google Toolbar as the only FF4 Extension installed (other than 1Password). And FF4 / 1Password seems perfectly happy with the six or so sites I've tried other than Twitter. I cleared FF4 cache, no change.

update: ONE of the four saved Twitter logins seems to work with FF4. It uses different field names.

changing the field names (manually) of other saved logins from username to session[username_or_email] and password to session[password]

seems to work - but would like to know if this will be a bother and manual action for many other sites (I have a lot saved). If I run into this again, deleting the login and letting 1Password prompt for a new saved login might be ok. But then I need to be careful to save the high-strenght password for that site.


  • [quote name='roundtrip' timestamp='1303425813' post='25341']

    update: ONE of the four saved Twitter logins seems to work with FF4. It uses different field names.

    changing the field names (manually) of other saved logins from username to session[username_or_email] and password to session[password]

    seems to work - but would like to know if this will be a bother and manual action for many other sites (I have a lot saved). If I run into this again, deleting the login and letting 1Password prompt for a new saved login might be ok. But then I need to be careful to save the high-strenght password for that site.


    Hiya, roundtrip! Welcome to the forums! I wish it had been under better circumstances... While I'm glad to hear you got it working, I think I can help clarify things a bit.

    First, I am sorry for the inconvenience. It can certainly be frustrating to have a Login item that once worked suddenly stop. I suspect that this is a result of Firefox 4 handling extensions a bit differently than previous versions. Hopefully will will be able to get some more of the kinks out over time.

    It shouldn't be necessary to delete Login items in order to update them. Any time you are at a login page, you can click on 1Password's Save... button to manually save a login without having to force a situation where 1Password will prompt you to save it. This is also useful for refreshing Login items which have become broken do to website (or browser) changes.

    In the future, we will be incorporating the improvements we have made in developing our Chrome support into the rest of our browser extensions, so the experience should be more consistent going forward.

    I hope this helps. If there is anything [s]else[/s] we can do to help, just let us know. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />