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Tag (or Folders) displayed when fill-on

I am a recent convert from Splashdata. and use 1password for personal and many clients.

I have several sites where I may have several unique logins. When using the browser (Chrome and Safari) to fill-in the username and password, you can see the different of the different credentials from each other? I am using tags and folder to keep the items organized. Is there a quick and easy means to see which folder or tags are set for each record in the browsers to you can select the correct one. I realized I could change the name, but that really is just redundant to the information that is already set on each record.,



  • Hi Kubes,

    Welcome to the 1Password family, great to have you with us!

    At the moment there's not really an easy way for us to show the tags or folder membership of a particular item within the browser extensions, given the limited space available. So, for now, changing the name is probably the right choice.

    Obviously, we don't recommend putting your username into the item title, but I tend to use something like this for my various Twitter accounts I have access to:

    * Twitter - Personal

    * Twitter - 1Password

    * Twitter - IMP

    * Twitter - Mocha Labs

    That helps me easily see the right Login item without having to reveal the username in the item's title. maybe in the future we could find a way to add more information to the list of Logins, but it's difficult to think of how to do that without cluttering the interface.

    Hope that helps,

    [quote name='Kubes' timestamp='1303835291' post='25695']

    I am a recent convert from Splashdata. and use 1password for personal and many clients.

    I have several sites where I may have several unique logins. When using the browser (Chrome and Safari) to fill-in the username and password, you can see the different of the different credentials from each other? I am using tags and folder to keep the items organized. Is there a quick and easy means to see which folder or tags are set for each record in the browsers to you can select the correct one. I realized I could change the name, but that really is just redundant to the information that is already set on each record.,

