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List of Incompatible Sites?

khoi Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Is there a place to list sites that don't play nice with 1Password</div>From time to time I encounter sites that don't let me login using 1Password. Is there some centralized place where I should report these things, for the benefit of the 1Password devs?


  • Hi khoi,

    We don't really have a 'sites that don't work with 1Password' list as such, because we're always trying to improve 1Password to make it work with more and more sites.

    If there are particular sites that you're having major problems with, please do post them either here or if they're of a more sensitive nature, drop us an e-mail via

    In general though, 1Password should work with most sites, the main exception being sites that use Flash for the login form, which we'd consider insecure for a start. 1Password is unable to save and restore logins for sites that use Adobe Flash.

    As far as we know, no browser password manager anywhere supports Flash-based sites because it is a proprietary solution and does not interface with the browser much at all. In fact, we worked with a Flash consultant and after reviewing the latest APIs provided by Adobe we found it is still not possible unless websites modify their code to allow it.

    Most websites realise the problems with using Flash and provide a standard HTML login page as well. If you search around on their site or contact their support, you will likely find a normal login page that will work correctly. If you cannot find one, the only workaround is to save the username and password in 1Password and copy and paste it whenever you need to log into the site. This would also apply to Microsoft's Silverlight technology for the same reasons.

    If the site isn't using Flash or Silver light, a lot of login issues can be solved by saving the Login item again manually by doing the following:

    1. Enter your username and password, but DO NOT submit the form.

    2. Click the 1Password button in your browser's toolbar, and choose Save Login.

    3. Set the Action field to Create New Login (or to Replace <login-name>, to update an existing Login item).

    4. Click the Save button.

    Also, Some web forms just do not like to be bypassed without an actual key being pressed or are confused when more than one web form is on the same page.

    If saving the Logins item again still doesn't work for you we'd suggest that you edit the saved Logins item to have a Submit value of "Never". That way the fields will be filled in and you control the behaviour by clicking the appropriate action button ("sign in", Login, ...).

    Hope that helps,

    [quote name='khoi' timestamp='1303840532' post='25701']

    From time to time I encounter sites that don't let me login using 1Password. Is there some centralized place where I should report these things, for the benefit of the 1Password devs?
