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Syncing with WiFi for iPhone and iPad

Ok, I am extremely Frustrated. I just bought 1password for Mac thinking I'd finally have all my ducks in a row and I've spent 4 hours dealing with this sync issue and it's all screwed up. I am irritated right now and I will try to not come off as rude. ALL of my passwords are on my iPhone. I had 1Password for iPhone FIRST. I bought 1p for Mac, and sync'd via Wifi right off the bat. It worked great. Later I added some stuff and tried to sync again to add it to the phone, but nothing transferred I thought it was strange because it worked the other way before so I continued to try to troubleshoot. I then began adding things to the phone to see if I could get them transferred to the mac and nothing. Then I tried to set up my ipad to sync and nothing. So then I tried to get 1p for mac to forget my idevices by hitting "delete" when right clicking. All that did was make it to where now 1p for mac will see the idevices and say it's syncing to them, but nothing happens and in the info panel it shows no information for the devices and all options are grayed out as in this image:


So then I uninstalled 1p for mac altogether to try and start fresh, but when i reinstalled all was the same. What are my options? It's as if I just need to "reset" 1p as though I had never tried to set up my idevices and start over, but I can't do that. Every time I try to start over and I pull up this page on my iphone:


1p for mac never gives the the pop up to put in the code. It just sees my idevice and starts to show the spinning sync arrows even though nothing is actually happening and whe I click on the idevice, all the options are grayed out as in the photo above.

I was going to try dropbox, but it seems that it only adds to the idevice and not adds from the idevice. Since all my passwords are on the phone and I need to get them to the Mac, what can I do? I'm seriously rethinking my purchase. It shouldn't be this difficult...

Please help.


  • Hi Chris,

    You're right, syncing should not be this difficult, it should not cause you frustration, and I'm truly sorry that this is the experience you've had so far.

    First of all, let me just clarify that Dropbox syncing is fully bi-directional, so once you set things up on the Mac, to put the data file into Dropbox, any changes you make on the iPhone, iPad and Mac will all be synced to the data file in Dropbox which will then be reflected on the other devices. Here's our complete guide to Dropbox syncing:

    One of the most common problems with Wi-Fi syncing is network configuration, from a software firewall like LittleSnitch or VirusBarrier from Intego, to a router not playing nicely. So, if you do want to go down the Wi-Fi sync path, which we still very much support we just find that Dropbox is an easier and more automatic solutions, let's try a few things to get you up and running.

    As I mentioned, firewall software can cause problems, so if you do have anything running please either disable it, just to test with, or add 1Password for Mac as an exception, could you then also try restarting your Mac and, as silly as this may sound, your router. Once that's done, try setting up the Wi-Fi sync again by following the guide here:

    If that still fails, Please try using an ad hoc network to sync, by following our guide here:

    This will remove your network configuration from the equation, and so if you're able to sync using this method, then it points to a problem with your network configuration. Due to the wide variety of network hardware and possible configurations, network configuration isn't something that we're able to troubleshoot, but at least it gives us an idea of what's going wrong.

    With all of that said, we'll do our best to help you get syncing, after all that's one of the main reasons to have mobile versions of 1Password.

    Please let me know how things turn out,

    [quote name='ChrisMc' timestamp='1303875720' post='25719']

    Ok, I am extremely Frustrated. I just bought 1password for Mac thinking I'd finally have all my ducks in a row and I've spent 4 hours dealing with this sync issue and it's all screwed up. I am irritated right now and I will try to not come off as rude. ALL of my passwords are on my iPhone. I had 1Password for iPhone FIRST. I bought 1p for Mac, and sync'd via Wifi right off the bat. It worked great. Later I added some stuff and tried to sync again to add it to the phone, but nothing transferred I thought it was strange because it worked the other way before so I continued to try to troubleshoot. I then began adding things to the phone to see if I could get them transferred to the mac and nothing. Then I tried to set up my ipad to sync and nothing. So then I tried to get 1p for mac to forget my idevices by hitting "delete" when right clicking. All that did was make it to where now 1p for mac will see the idevices and say it's syncing to them, but nothing happens and in the info panel it shows no information for the devices and all options are grayed out as in this image:


    So then I uninstalled 1p for mac altogether to try and start fresh, but when i reinstalled all was the same. What are my options? It's as if I just need to "reset" 1p as though I had never tried to set up my idevices and start over, but I can't do that. Every time I try to start over and I pull up this page on my iphone:


    1p for mac never gives the the pop up to put in the code. It just sees my idevice and starts to show the spinning sync arrows even though nothing is actually happening and whe I click on the idevice, all the options are grayed out as in the photo above.

    I was going to try dropbox, but it seems that it only adds to the idevice and not adds from the idevice. Since all my passwords are on the phone and I need to get them to the Mac, what can I do? I'm seriously rethinking my purchase. It shouldn't be this difficult...

    Please help.
