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iPad won't access Dropbox


Recently purchased the iPad version of 1Password. I set up a Dropbox account, but the iPad won't synch to Dropbox, saying it can't find the 1Password data file.

In my Win7 machine, I got the demo version of 1Password and created a blank data file and copied that over to Dropbox, but the iPad still can't find a data file.

I then tried to go into Preferences/General and move the blank database to Dropbox, but the Move to Dropbox is greyed out and I can't move the data that way.

So, I want to synch the iPad data with the Win7 data and back everything up to Dropbox, but I can do none of these things.

Clearly, I haven't figured something out...where is my error?



  • Hiya, Cadent; and welcome to the forums!

    I am sorry you hit a snag there. 1Password creates a hidden pointer file in Dropbox when it uses a data file stored there so that the iOS apps can find it. I suspect that 1Password isn't giving you the option because it is already using the data file in your Dropbox folder. And it seems likely that you are running into issues compounded by that initial discrepancy.

    Before you do anything else, please back up the data from 1Password on your iPad by going to Settings > Data > Backup & Restore, and following the instructions to save the data to your PC from your web browser.

    Next, please go to Settings > sync > Dropbox > Account, and tap Reset and then Select Start Over. (This will only reset your sync settings.) This will take you back to Sync Settings.

    Finally, go to Dropbox and set Dropbox Sync to ON. Enter your Dropbox account name and password, and then the Master Password for the data file on your PC. It should begin syncing the data to your Dropbox account. If the data is instead replaced with the data from your PC, simply restore from your iPad backup and it will synchronize to Dropbox and your PC.

    This may not work if you are using a non-standard Dropbox setup. If you are still having trouble, please generate a Diagnostics Report using the help menu in 1Password for Windows and attach it to an email addressed to with a link to this forum post so we can connect the two.
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    Please also try to login to and see if there is a .ws.agile.1Password.settings file:

  • My Ipad won't sync with Dropbox too. I checked Dropbox online from my WinXP PC, it has the .ws.agile.1Password.settings file. It is also present in the Dropbox for Ipad.

    When I try to sync 1P on my Ipad to Dropbox, I get this message: "Dropbox sync failed to download remote encryption keys. Make sure Dropbox is fully synced on you desktop".

    My 1P on WinXP is fully synced with Dropbox.

    I have also reset Dropbox Sync on my Ipad and I get stuck at "Loading remote encryption keys..."

    What do you think is wrong?
  • Hey there aveon! Welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    While the pointer is there, it may not be pointing to the right thing. Another possibility is that the encryption keys may be missing. No problem! Just move the 1Password.agilekeychain to another location, open it in 1Password (File > Open 1Password Data), and then Move to Dropbox (Preferences > General). It may also be necessary to launch 1Password on your iPad, go to Settings > Sync > Dropbox > Account, and tap Reset and then Select Start Over. (This will only reset your sync settings.)

    I hope this helps. Let me know how it turns out. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />