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Suggestion Do not destroy data when replacing a login

Junior Member
Like a lot of sites, Wordpress sites have a login page ([url][/url]) and a different page to change your password ([url][/url]). The 1Password UX can suffer in these cases. While I was on the Profile page to change my password I used the "Strong Password Generator" to generate the new password and clicked the Fill button. After clicking Update Profile I was prompted by 1Password to save the Login. I was hoping 1Password would update my password in the existing "Blog Example" 1Password login so instead of using the "Create new login" option I selected "Replace Blog Example". Instead I found 1Password really did replace my original "Blog Example" with one as it relates to the Profile page and had lost my Username in the process. The username 1Password grabbed from the Profile page was not the correct one. I then went to the 1Password trash and to my horror didn't find the prior login information! in hindsight I can understand what happened and why Agile is unlikely to solve this issue.
My feature request: [B]When doing a replace, the prior Login Information should be moved to the trash and the new login information created using the same name.[/B] In this way no information is lost.
My feature request: [B]When doing a replace, the prior Login Information should be moved to the trash and the new login information created using the same name.[/B] In this way no information is lost.