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<div class="IPBDescription">sync android with laptop</div>OK, I am not a computer whiz. Was recommended this program by someone who has tried a few and liked this the best. He has an apple computer and an I-phone and so maybe that's the difference. I have 1password on my laptop (windows) and also downloaded the beta version available for android. I have 14 passwords on my phone and 21 so far on my laptop. From what I can figure out I am supposed to download something called Dropbox onto my computer in order to sync them both together? Also download this onto my phone? I just want a program to keep my passwords in and looks like everything is over my head. Who knew it was this complicated. I could ask this guy that recommended this 1Password to help me but he seems to not know his way around Windows (not that I do). He says he has a "sync" button on his version but I see none on mine. Please help. It seems like trying to figure out this program has taken over all the time in my life. And I am sick of downloading password programs and then uninstalling them. Maybe people like me aren't as computer savvy as it seems everyone in the forums are. I certainly don't know all the terms you guys are throwing out there. Am getting ready to go back to paper and pencil. I still have 3 weeks in my 30 days trial. Please help in basic English or just be honest with me and tell me I am not a good fit for this program. Coleen


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hello Coleen,

    First of all, thank you for your interest in 1Password for Android.

    Hope using the application is not that complicated.

    If you have 1Password installed on your PC, everything you need in order to see your data on your Android phone is

    to provide your Dropbox username and password and click sync button.

    Once you've done this, your secure data will be moved to your phone over the wire and you will be able to see it on the phone.

    If there is a discrepancy in number of items you see on your Android phone and on your computer,

    your keychain (1Password Data File ) may be corrupted and you need to rebuild it

    using "Rebuild Data File" option on your Mac/PC. (rebuilding makes all items written to context.js file).

    Alternatively, you may rename contents.js file located in <%DATA_FILE_LOCATION_ON_YOUR_PC_OR_MAC%>/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default

    folder on your computer before you rebuild the keychain and then sync the phone once again.

    Please let me know if this solves your problem or you need an additional information.

    Thank you and best regards,


    Android developer

    [quote name='coleen' timestamp='1304649239' post='26376']

    OK, I am not a computer whiz. Was recommended this program by someone who has tried a few and liked this the best. He has an apple computer and an I-phone and so maybe that's the difference. I have 1password on my laptop (windows) and also downloaded the beta version available for android. I have 14 passwords on my phone and 21 so far on my laptop. From what I can figure out I am supposed to download something called Dropbox onto my computer in order to sync them both together? Also download this onto my phone? I just want a program to keep my passwords in and looks like everything is over my head. Who knew it was this complicated. I could ask this guy that recommended this 1Password to help me but he seems to not know his way around Windows (not that I do). He says he has a "sync" button on his version but I see none on mine. Please help. It seems like trying to figure out this program has taken over all the time in my life. And I am sick of downloading password programs and then uninstalling them. Maybe people like me aren't as computer savvy as it seems everyone in the forums are. I certainly don't know all the terms you guys are throwing out there. Am getting ready to go back to paper and pencil. I still have 3 weeks in my 30 days trial. Please help in basic English or just be honest with me and tell me I am not a good fit for this program. Coleen

  • Gene, on my phone under the 1password for android app there is a help section and it mentions syncing through dropbox. It also mentions another way on syncing? "Setup using local copy of 1Password Data File" it says i can have the file locally connect sd card to my PC. I thought that meant I could sync that way and would not have to install dropbox. Can you claify..............
  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hello Coleen,

    I am glad that you already had a chance to install the application and read a Help file (use Menu->Help) which I tried to make as much useful to the customer as possible.

    Notice that in its current version, 1Password for Android is designed as a 1Password Data Reader and works in conjunction

    with 1Password for Mac/PC and not as a stand-alone application. It works as a vault providing the functionality to store/review

    the data on Android phone and synchronize the phone with Mac/PC through Dropbox Server.

    Therefore, in order to see your secure data on your phone you should have 1Password application

    installed on your PC or Mac first.

    for 1Password for Android to work properly you need to have a 1Password Data File (1Password.agilekeychain) which is created by 1Password on your computer.

    You may want to copy this data file on your phone's SD card or to place it into Dropbox directory of your computer (please refer to the help file for 1Password for your Mac or PC).

    On 1Password for Android setup screen you need to specify a location of 1Password.agilekeychian file which contains all your secure data.

    If your data file is placed inside of your dropbox , please provide your dropbox credentials (username and password) and try to sync your phone with your dropbox.

    If the process is a success, you can launch your application and see your secure data on the phone.

    Please let me know if you need more info.

    Best Regards,


    [quote name='coleen' timestamp='1304970320' post='26649']

    Gene, on my phone under the 1password for android app there is a help section and it mentions syncing through dropbox. It also mentions another way on syncing? "Setup using local copy of 1Password Data File" it says i can have the file locally connect sd card to my PC. I thought that meant I could sync that way and would not have to install dropbox. Can you claify..............

  • just wondering if 1password for android(beta) has now enabled better syncing between laptop(windows) and phone (samsung mesmerize). Really haven't had much time to deal with this and now I have more time but wondering if anything has been updated since you last replied to me. Still only have 14 on phone compared to 40 on laptop.
  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hello coleen,

    Could you let me know if you had a chance to follow my advice Posted 07 May 2011 - 10:16 AM ?

    The issue you are having is not related to 1Password Reader, it is just the listing of your secure entries on your laptop is out of sync

    with the actual number of secure items you have.

    Please re-read my posting and follow the instructions in it.

    Let me know if you need more information on that, I will be glad to assist you further.

    Best regards,
