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Pre-sale Questions


I've spent some time comparing all the password managers and out and I'm ready to give 1password Paid a try however I'm a bit confused with the Licence aspect.

I use a Windows 7 laptop, I also attend college where I have to login to my email and other personal websites, and I also use an Android OS mobile device.

1) Which licence(s) do I need? Do I need one for each PC and one for Android separately?

2) Is the Licence fee a one time permanent thing or is it a YEARLY/ANNUAL fee?




  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    [quote name='Lithium' timestamp='1304931253' post='26604']


    I've spent some time comparing all the password managers and out and I'm ready to give 1password Paid a try however I'm a bit confused with the Licence aspect.

    I use a Windows 7 laptop, I also attend college where I have to login to my email and other personal websites, and I also use an Android OS mobile device.

    1) Which licence(s) do I need? Do I need one for each PC and one for Android separately?


    You need ONE license for ALL your PC's (assuming you're the only person using the 1Password license at any given time).

    1Password for Android is FREE.

    [quote name='Lithium' timestamp='1304931253' post='26604']

    2) Is the Licence fee a one time permanent thing or is it a YEARLY/ANNUAL fee?


    It's a one-time thing. There is no annual fee.
  • Welcome to the forum, Zain!

    Please see [url=""][i]How many licenses do I need?[/i][/url] in the [i]FAQ[/i] section of the user's guide for complete details.

    If you're a registered student, you can enjoy a discount on your 1Password for Windows license in our [url=""]Education Store[/url].

    (The 1Password for Android app is available in the Android Market on your Android device; there's also a link on our web site.)