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Need confirmation on what to purchase

I'm looking at purchasing 1Password for home. I've read thru the website, iTunes reviews and forums and I'm still a bit confused on what I would need to purchase to make 1Password work for our needs. Hoping someone can provide a response. Here are the details:

Our home computer is an iMac, my husband and I both use iPhones and we also share an iPad. I would like to sync information across all four devices. Most of our login information is shared (i.e. banking, school loans, etc.) minus our separate email accounts. Which products would I need to purchase to make this work?

Thank you for your time.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited 2011 09
    Welcome to the forums, undeniablyadela!

    In your case, you will need a [url=""]1Password for Mac Family License[/url] (since there will be more than one user in your household) and [url=""]1Password Pro[/url] for all your iOS devices (if you are sharing the same iTunes account).

    (Unfortunately, Apple has decided to link app purchases on the App Store to a single iTunes account, so if each device is linked to a separate iTunes account you will need to purchase the app once per account.)

    I hope that helps. If we can be of further assistance, please let us know.

    We are always here to help!