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1Password suddenly throws exception, can't restore data

Recently my 1Password just stopped working. I am on Max OS X 10.6.7 running the most recent version of 1Password, and my 1Password database is stored on DropBox, which is also updated. A few days ago, when I opened the desktop application it prompted me to upgrade my database to version 3; however, I have been running version 3 for months, if not over a year now. I tried that once and it did not resolve the problem. I then restored the file using Time Machine and I get an exception message every time I try to log-in. The exception is as such:

"Exception: The encryption keys file does not exist at '/Users/XXXX/Dropbox/1PasswordSync/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default/1password.keys'"

Nothing has changed in my database, and in fact I restored from Time Machine a known-working version of the database and it still will not open. I can't even open the database from the built in HTML page. I am baffled by what has happened. Any advice would be appreciated because I now can't login to half the webpages I go to!


  • [Deleted User]
    edited May 2011
    [quote name='nixlimited' timestamp='1305135667' post='26778']

    Recently my 1Password just stopped working. I am on Max OS X 10.6.7 running the most recent version of 1Password, and my 1Password database is stored on DropBox, which is also updated. A few days ago, when I opened the desktop application it prompted me to upgrade my database to version 3; however, I have been running version 3 for months, if not over a year now. I tried that once and it did not resolve the problem. I then restored the file using Time Machine and I get an exception message every time I try to log-in. The exception is as such:

    "Exception: The encryption keys file does not exist at '/Users/XXXX/Dropbox/1PasswordSync/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default/1password.keys'"

    Nothing has changed in my database, and in fact I restored from Time Machine a known-working version of the database and it still will not open. I can't even open the database from the built in HTML page. I am baffled by what has happened. Any advice would be appreciated because I now can't login to half the webpages I go to!



    Welcome to the Forums...although I wish it were under better circumstances.

    I do not pretend to understand the underlying code that would cause your "Exception", but I do know I've read about similar instances in the Forums.

    Following are links to three threads discussing potential solutions for you problem (there are others). Please read each and see if what worked back then will work for you now. If none of the posts provide a sufficient "fix", at least the AB support staff will have more information and should be able to expedite the troubleshooting suggestions.

    [url=""]Snow Leopard Issue[/url]

    [url=""]Critical Error[/url]

    [url=""]Error message - data lost:[/url]

    In the last link, Khad offers the following advice:

    [quote][color="#1C2837"][size="2"]Please try rebuilding your data file in 1Password on your Mac (Help > Troubleshooting > Rebuild Data File…).

    If that doesn't do the trick, try changing your master password. You can change it back immediately, but this will regenerate the [font="Menlo"]1password.keys[/font] file.

    You could also try restoring from a backup within 1Password on your Mac (File > Restore Data File from Backup…). The most recent backup will be listed at the top and automatically selected. Click the "Restore Backup…" button to proceed.[/quote][/size][/color]

    From my own experience, Rebuilding the Data File has worked well.

    I hope the suggestions listed in the links solve your problem, but if they do not, please be assured that an AB staff member or another Forum member will likely find a solution to your dilemma very soon. You don't have to wait long for customer service around here! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Hang in there. The calvary is on the way!


    P.S. I do not use Time Machine, but I've read several posts referencing issues where that program has caused some issues. If the linked solutions do not provide any relief, I am sure someone who uses TM will have a better course of action for you to take.
  • Thanks for your reply. When I try to change the master password I get the exact same exception error message. I am unable to rebuild the data file because that option is greyed out. I was able to restore from a back-up file that was stored locally on the computer. I lost a few days worth of data, but that's no big deal. Thanks for your help!
  • [Deleted User]
    edited May 2011
    [quote name='nixlimited' timestamp='1305148161' post='26781']

    Thanks for your reply. When I try to change the master password I get the exact same exception error message. I am unable to rebuild the data file because that option is greyed out. I was able to restore from a back-up file that was stored locally on the computer. I lost a few days worth of data, but that's no big deal. Thanks for your help!



    I'm glad you were able to restore without [i]too much [/i]data loss. I've experienced the same situation, and I feel your pain.

    Thankfully, you are up and running now! I suspect someone else will weigh in on your recent issue and offer a more detailed explanation/more efficient solution for the error.

    Regardless, thanks for posting your problem. We all learn from our individual experiences.

  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care
    Hi nixlimited,

    I'm glad that you got things back to a working state, though I am sorry that you lost some recent changes. We know how important your data are to you, so we do what we can to provide backups and a robust data format.

    The error message that you got does indicate some data corruption which usually can be cleared up with [i]Help > Troubleshooting > Rebuild Data File[/i] exactly as bswins suggested. That this wasn't available suggests that were some more serious problems involved.

    If anything like this happens again, please send us a diagnostics report to so that we can better understand what happened. To generate the report from 1Password on your Mac, open 1Password and select Help > Troubleshooting > Diagnostics Report.

    Do not post diagnostics reports to the forums, as it contains a lot of configuration information about your system and software that you may not wish to share with the world.

    Again, thanks for posting, and thanks to bswins for his excellent advice.

