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Restored iPhone4, 1password app now empty

Eldiablojoe Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Help request</div>I have the latest version of 1Password running on my snow-leoparded MacBook 2009 Intel. I also have the current app and most recent firmware on my iPhone4.

Yesterday I had to restore my iPhone as a new device due to non-1Password related issues.

All my apps on the iPhone synced over through iTunes, but they all needed me to re-login to various apps (Facebook, news sites, dropbox, etc.). The 1Password was like a brand new app, I had to pick a new (used the same) pass ode and master code. NONE of my logins or other stored data are in the 1Password app any longer.

How can I restore them? Will simply syncing over a network restore my 1Password info on my MacBook to my iPhone, or will I be syncing my blank iPhone 1Password app's (lack of) data to my MacBook thereby wiping it out entirely and losing all that data forever?

What is the proper method of restoring the data to my iPhone's 1Password app?

Thank you!


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    If you reset the database there are a few ways to retrieve your data after the reset:


    [*]If you've been using Dropbox to sync your data with 1Password for Mac or Windows, just [url=""]set up Dropbox syncing again[/url], and your data will start syncing to your iPhone automatically.

    [*]If you've previously sync'ed your 1Password data with 1Password for Mac using Wi-Fi, you can easily restore your data during the next [url=""]Wi-Fi sync[/url].

    [*]If you've used the built-in "backup and restore" feature to save a backup copy of your 1Password data, you can use it again to [url=""]restore that saved backup file[/url].


    Dropbox syncing merges data, so the empty data on your iOS device will be merged with the actual data on your Mac rather than either one overwriting the other.

    The same is true for Wi-Fi syncing. You can even check the "Replace information on this iPhone" box if you want, but it is not necessary.


    Please let me know how it turns out.

  • Eldiablojoe
    Eldiablojoe Junior Member
    Turned out great, thank you!! The wi-fi syncing was a little different than you described. I guess version revisions have changed things a little bit. For example, it asked for my two secret codes several steps earlier in the process than you described.

    All in all, no complaints, itnworked great! I appreciate your help!

    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1305233223' post='26830']

    If you reset the database there are a few ways to retrieve your data after the reset:


    [*]If you've been using Dropbox to sync your data with 1Password for Mac or Windows, just [url=""]set up Dropbox syncing again[/url], and your data will start syncing to your iPhone automatically.

    [*]If you've previously sync'ed your 1Password data with 1Password for Mac using Wi-Fi, you can easily restore your data during the next [url=""]Wi-Fi sync[/url].

    [*]If you've used the built-in "backup and restore" feature to save a backup copy of your 1Password data, you can use it again to [url=""]restore that saved backup file[/url].


    Dropbox syncing merges data, so the empty data on your iOS device will be merged with the actual data on your Mac rather than either one overwriting the other.

    The same is true for Wi-Fi syncing. You can even check the "Replace information on this iPhone" box if you want, but it is not necessary.


    Please let me know how it turns out.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I am glad everything is working well. That is always good news! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know.

    We are always here to help!