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1Password for iPad 1 doesn't always populate the login correctly

<div class="IPBDescription">Start sessions from 1Password app on iPad not populating login correct</div>Hi I've notice that when I browse the 1Password app (latest version) on the iPad1 and directly click within the session to automatically log into a site that it doesn't automatically populate the login and password correctly. When I use the full blown app on my MacBook Pro it works fine. One particular site is where this happens continuously and its a pain. Are there known issues between the iPad and MBP versions? Is this 1Password, MacOS, iOS?



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey opentrail,

    I am not having any trouble with my RunKeeper login on my iPad. If you are syncing with your Mac, try saving the login manually to allow 1Password to "relearn" the field names and then sync the newly saved login to your iPad:

    1. Enter your username and password, but DO NOT submit the form.

    2. Click the 1Password button in your browser's toolbar, and choose Save Login.

    3. Set the Action field to Create New Login (or to Replace <login-name>, to update an existing Login item).

    4. Click the Save button.

    Using the above technique I was able to save and fill a sample login in Safari at:

    Manually saving a login can be useful for logins that are either problematic to begin with or were once working but have since stopped. Doing this allows 1Password to refresh everything it "knows" about the page. Login pages often change as websites are updated and this can be a necessary but very useful tip. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    I have attached a screen shot of my own RunKeeper login (with email address and password obviously changed), but otherwise it is identical to the one I use to login without trouble.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.
