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ANZ bank login problems


I'm new to 1Password and loving it. Have scoured the forum and FAQ's but unable to find the answer to these 2 problems - both related to logging in to ANZ internet banking using 1Password for iPhone. When I try to log in to, 1Password won't populate the login details, therefore I copy & paste manually. But that's not the main (second) problem. I next press LogIn and am taken to a page which say something like "Welcome to ANZ, please wait whilst we retrieive your account details". However it stalls on this page and I'm unable to access the site. It's as if 1Password's browser doesn't like this site.

I've tried manually saving the LogIn details as recomended on this forum, but that didn't help the populate problem. The bigger issue is the second problem. I'm able to LogIn successfully using iPhone's Safari, but of course this is very tedious as I'm copying and pasting between 1Password & Safari. All is fine using 1Password on my Mac. But not not using 1Password for iPhone.

Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Neil! I am sorry you are having trouble logging into the ANZ Internet Banking site.

    To resolve the initial issue of 1Password not filling the form, please edit your login to use this exact URL:

    That is: replace "bankmain" with "login" in the URL field. That is the URL you will want to save a login on. The other URL is merely a frameset which will prevent 1Password from working in iOS.

    Resolving the other issue may prove a bit trickier as I don't have an account there to actually test how the site behaves when you actually log in.

    The first thing I would suggest is a simple restart of your device to clear the memory (just in case it is a low memory situation). Please try restarting your device by holding down both the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously for at least 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears.

    Does that help at all? Please let me know if you are still having trouble.

  • comebacktomorrow
    comebacktomorrow Junior Member
    I'm having the same problem with the ipad version <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> (not really surprising I suppose!)

    Is there anything more we can do to help?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    What URL is saved in your Login item for the site? The frameset will be an issue on the iPad as well, so please use the URL I provided above.

    Does the login work correctly in Mobile Safari?