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Question and sugestion about the 1password browser add-on

First of all thank you for the excellent job you are doing on 1password, it is definitely a beautiful and indispensable piece of software.

Anyways, I have recently started using the 1password add-on for both Firefox and Chrome and I must say that there is a noticeable difference. Honestly, the Chrome extension looks and feels a whole lot better than the Firefox one. I wanted to ask is this because of certain restrictions in the Firefox UI or do you plan to bring the Chrome UX to Firefox as well in the near future?

The only problem I have with the Chrome extension is that once unlocked, the password for each item is completely visible - which basically makes it unusable if unless I am not alone. So my second question is - is there a way to hide the passwords in the Chrome extension (or maybe something in the sense of show/hide, with hidden being the default), and if there is not such an option right now, do you plan to add it in a future release?

Thank you.


  • Welcome to the forum, Husar, and thanks for those kind remarks!

    The look and features of all the 1Password extensions for both Mac and Windows browsers should be converging gradually, in future releases.

    For now, please note that your user name and password are visible only if you click the arrow in the Chrome extension window to view the Login item's details. If you just click on the Login name, no details are exposed.