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Safari 5.1 extension user interface



  • akac
    akac Junior Member
    [quote name='mwreed' timestamp='1309461382' post='30771']

    Grrr! Apple and their iron fisted control of everything. If the results weren't so amazing I swear I would hate them.

    Excellent product btw! I buy it for all my friends, without even asking them, and bask in their appreciation for years to come.


    In this case its not a matter of control, but security. Apple has locked down all system apps in Lion to use a Sandbox. Sandboxes mean that certain things are no longer possible because they were attack targets. In most cases Apple has provided new ways to alleviate the closing of the old ways. Firefox, Chrome, all these browsers are going the same way.

    Frankly I really dislike the new plugin because it doesn't auto-unlock and it keeps asking to save passwords for sites that are already in 1Password. I've considered starting my 1Password database afresh though.
  • richsadams
    richsadams Junior Member
    [quote name='chrisdrackett' timestamp='1306254902' post='27647']

    While I appreciate the apparent design effort that seems to have gone into the beta extension, I very much miss the speed of the old dropdowns used in the past. The new design makes 1password seem much more clunky and slow to me.


    [quote name='chrisdrackett' timestamp='1306337603' post='27745']

    I guess I would suggest moving to something that doesn't cover the browser window as much. I think my biggest issue is that the window is dead center and takes a while to load. I have multiple logins for many sites, so I often see the window even when using the keyboard commands.

    The other issue is that things like generating a password or grabbing a credit card number are much harder and take longer than before. Before I just had to go into the menu and select the card or select generate, now the process is longer and I need to wait for images, html and JS to load (even if local)


    A big +1 on all counts!
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited July 2011
    [quote name='akac' timestamp='1309999160' post='31334']

    In this case its not a matter of control, but security. Apple has locked down all system apps in Lion to use a Sandbox. Sandboxes mean that certain things are no longer possible because they were attack targets. In most cases Apple has provided new ways to alleviate the closing of the old ways. Firefox, Chrome, all these browsers are going the same way.

    Frankly I really dislike the new plugin because it doesn't auto-unlock and it keeps asking to save passwords for sites that are already in 1Password. I've considered starting my 1Password database afresh though.


    Security is definitely the main thing. Right on the money.

    [url=""]Lack of autounlock in Safari 5.1 is a known issue which will be resolved in a future update[/url]. There is also [url=""]a known issue with autosave if you have Safari's AutoFill enabled for user names and passwords[/url]. This [i]does not[/i] apply to the other two forms of AutoFill in Safari. At the moment, it is not clear how to work around this except to disable Safari's AutoFill for user names and passwords, but we are looking for other means around this as well.

    Also there are a small number of websites where autosave may erroneously pop up even (if you have Safari's AutoFill for user names and passwords disabled). If you come across one, we would love to know the URL so we can fix it.

    [quote name='chrisdrackett' timestamp='1306254902' post='27647']

    While I appreciate the apparent design effort that seems to have gone into the beta extension, I very much miss the speed of the old dropdowns used in the past. The new design makes 1password seem much more clunky and slow to me.[/quote]

    I felt the same way about the Chrome extension at first. (Really. I posted a long diatribe about it internally.) But after single-keystroke login was added for domains where you only have one login (like the old Safari 5.0 behavior), and I no longer had to wait for the extension to pop-up for most logins, it really made a huge difference. Likewise, this is coming to the Safari extension too. I think you may be surprised at [i]how much[/i] of a difference it makes to only see the extension when you need to make a selection rather than every time you use it. It just feels so much faster.

    As I have mentioned 234273654 elsewhere in this thread and throughout the forums. This is coming. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

    [quote name='chrisdrackett' timestamp='1306337603' post='27745']

    I guess I would suggest moving to something that doesn't cover the browser window as much. I think my biggest issue is that the window is dead center and takes a while to load. I have multiple logins for many sites, so I often see the window even when using the keyboard commands.

    The other issue is that things like generating a password or grabbing a credit card number are much harder and take longer than before. Before I just had to go into the menu and select the card or select generate, now the process is longer and I need to wait for images, html and JS to load (even if local)


    As previously discussed in the thread when these comments were first made, we moved the extension out of the center position to the corner and are considering a pop-over style like the Chrome extension. I've said it before, but if you want to have an idea of the future of the Safari 5.1 extension, take a look at Chrome. It is more mature and doesn't have the majority of the problems being brought up in this thread. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' />

    There will undoubtedly be differences in the new extension since everything needs to be done through JavaScript now. However, I'll continue to ask you to bear with us as we work to improve the experience. To give it a bit of perspective, this thread was only started a little over a month ago. We are listening. We really are. More than that, we are working hard on the extension. Thanks for your patience and support. We couldn't do it without you, and we want to make sure you know that not just from our words but our actions too. Please stay tuned.

    I'm going to close this meandering thread now that we have started to loop back around to the beginning. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Please [url=""]start a new thread[/url] if you have a specific feature to request or problem to report. It might be easier to keep track of these things if each issue is in a separate thread anyway. That way we can give each feature request and suggestion the individual attention it deserves.

    Thank you so much! Please keep it coming.
This discussion has been closed.