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Login in Berliner Sparkasse is not working

dmdeckbar Junior Member
Hi there,

the login is not working anymore ! I read some topics here in the forum about the sane problem with other pages.

Chrome should work but for me it is not.

All the tricks to make it work gives me an unsecure feeling !!!

Any real solution yet ???

Here is a link to the Sparkasse

Gruss Dirk


  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care
    Hi Dirk. Welcome to the forums!

    I wish I had better news for you, but we can't get 1Password to work on any of the Sparkasse sites.

    Banks take measures to thwart automated login attempts. This is because bad guys write programs to try to log in to banks and also because many of their legitimate customers may be using bad password management systems (like browser autofill without having those passwords protected).

    An unfortunate side effect of their efforts is that it makes things harder for us. We are always adapting our form filling heuristics, but so far haven't figured out a way to defeat the trick that the Sparkasse sites use.

    Their trick, by the way, is to use a random and unique form field name each time you visit the site. We have some ideas of how to approach this problem, but I can't make any promises about those at this point.

    I'm sorry that I don't have a better answer for you, but I hope you will continue to participate in the forums.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    The good news is that the site does work well in Chrome which is making use of our very latest form filling code, so we do have a "fix," but I do not currently have a time frame for when it will be ported to our Safari/Firefox extensions. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, though. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    You could also give the 1Password extension in Google Chrome a try if you were interested in an immediate solution. I'd love to know how it goes if you do.
  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care
    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1306542543' post='27911']

    The good news is that the site does work well in Chrome which is making use of our very latest form filling code[/quote]

    That's great, Khad. I need to pay more attention.

    As I said we are always improving our form filling heuristics. Sometimes a fix sneaks past me.


  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care
    The Sparkasse filling not only works with the Chrome extension, but also with the Safari Lion extension. I'm really pleased that the new technology works in cases like this. Sparkasse was a tough not to crack.

