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Notes field too small

edited May 2011 in Windows
Hello Agile!

Notes field too small for me. Currently it allows to save about 531 characters, but I need min. 1000 and 1500-2000 characters as liberal.

And also Notes form too physically and nonscalable. I need to increase height of this form (by pulling it by mouse) to see more text without scrolling. And form should remember last height applied by user. In bottom part of Logins windows and in pop-up (Edit) window.

Please try to do something with it.


Also this field called "Notes" in Logins and "Note" in other types (Wallet, Accounts & etc.). I hope that it's small misprint.


  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    edited May 2011
    Hi EIKA,

    Thanks for your feedback, we really appreciate it. Can you give us an example why you would place a lengthy note in the other types instead of using Secure Notes? The Secure Notes should let you view more of the notes and you can do more of it. The other thing you can do is add a text file to the items instead of using the Notes field.

    If we can understand why users put those lengthy notes in other types, maybe we can work with a better system to handle this.

    Please let me know.

    [b]Update: I have alerted the developer about the “Notes” vs. “Note” inconsistency. Hopefully, it’ll be fixed shortly. Thanks for bringing this up. [/b]
  • [quote name='EIKA' timestamp='1306770653' post='28129']

    ...this field called "Notes" in Logins and "Note" in other types (Wallet, Accounts & etc.). I hope that it's small misprint.


    It looks to me like the field is called Notes in all item types and subtypes except for Software items, in which it's called just Note. That does, indeed, appear to be an oversight—it's called Notes universally in 1Password for Mac. That said, I couldn't venture a guess as to when it might be corrected.
  • EIKA
    edited May 2011
    [quote name='MikeT' timestamp='1306791582' post='28155']

    Can you give us an example why you would place a lengthy note in the other types instead of using Secure Notes? The Secure Notes should let you view more of the notes and you can do more of it. The other thing you can do is add a text file to the items instead of using the Notes field.

    If we can understand why users put those lengthy notes in other types, maybe we can work with a better system to handle this.[/quote]


    No problem. I use notes to keep credit cards data & etc. Why? Because I've moved to 1Pass from oon Software's Password Agent. Now my notes contains a lot of comments - billing addresses, hotline phones, faxes, names of bank employees, templates to send CC data via e-mail & etc. I've collected these data for many years when used Password Agent. And when I imported this data file into 1Pass, I lost second half of my notes due the Notes field limitations.

    I can't attach such data as files, because I have no any files with similar data. This data have been typed manually due the many years of usage this CCs/banks. And I can't keep it in files on HDD because it's insecure. If I will create such file and attach to 1Pass, I will not be able to edit in in 1-2 clicks. I will be forced to open it, edit, save on HDD (insecure!) and re-attach it in 1Pass. It's very inconvenient.

    And Secure Notes is not intended for saving CC data.

    I want to have scalable Notes area in all types if 1Pass items. It will be best option for me.
  • [quote name='DBrown' timestamp='1306794953' post='28162']

    It looks to me like the field is called Notes in all item types and subtypes except for Software items, in which it's called just Note. That does, indeed, appear to be an oversight—it's called Notes universally in 1Password for Mac. That said, I couldn't venture a guess as to when it might be corrected.[/quote]

    Not a big issue, does NOT affect in functionality, but just to make 1Pass better <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    [quote name='EIKA' timestamp='1306856049' post='28208']

    create such file and attach to 1Pass, I will not be able to edit in in 1-2 clicks. I will be forced to open it, edit, save on HDD (insecure!) and re-attach it in 1Pass. It's very inconvenient.


    This has been discussed before:
  • [quote name='EIKA' timestamp='1306856049' post='28208']

    I want to have scalable Notes area in all types if 1Pass items. It will be best option for me.


    Thanks for the follow-up, EIKA, and for the detailed explanation of your request.

    We're constantly improving 1Password, and it helps us to know what our customers would find useful.
  • DBrown
    edited May 2011
    [quote name='EIKA' timestamp='1306856256' post='28209']

    [The inconsistency in field names is...] Not a big issue, does NOT affect in functionality, but just to make 1Pass better <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />


    Understood—and thanks again, EIKA!
  • EIKA
    edited June 2011
    [quote name='Stefan von Dutch' timestamp='1306860752' post='28216']

    This has been discussed before:


    I tried to work with files attached to 1Pass items. Files can't be opened, they are need to be saved on disk before open. It's more laborious that I described above: click > save > open location > open file > edit file > save > re-attach. Extremely inconvenient if I need to add few words to my notes when I in phone call with e.g. bank operator.

    Please just make Notes field more spacious and scalable. It will solve my needs better than any other way.
  • [quote name='EIKA' timestamp='1307872285' post='29043']

    Please just make Notes field more spacious and scalable. It will solve my needs better than any other way.


    Understood, EIKA. Thanks for the request!
  • EIKA
    edited July 2011

    Could you please forward this request to developers? I really need to increase Notes field by height. I hate to scroll about 500 characters in chap! Now I can stretch form by width when increase size of entire Edit window. But I also need to stretch Notes form by height. It's just one option to scroll form!
  • [quote name='EIKA' timestamp='1309676759' post='31019']

    Could you please forward this request to developers?


    It's automatically seen by the developers by virtue of having been posted here, EIKA.

    Thanks again!