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Phone numbers in Identities do not sync from iPad to Mac

Here's my setup: 1Password on Mac, 1Password on iPad1, Dropbox sync set up and working ok except for this scenario. Latest versions of 1Password, Dropbox, and iOS.

Here's the scenario:

1) Add a new identity on iPad. Give it nothing but a name (call it "Test"). A few seconds later, it shows up on the Mac. OK so far.

2) Edit "Test" on iPad by adding an email address, "". A few seconds later, the update shows up on Mac. OK so far.

3) Edit "Test" on iPad by adding a home phone, "123-456-7890". Wait. Wait. Wait. The update never shows on Mac.

The problem appears to be with the Home phone field (maybe others, haven't tested). Here's another couple of similar scenarios:

1) Add a new identity on iPad. Give it a name and email address. The new identity quickly shows up on Mac.

2) Add a new identity on iPad. Give it a name and a home phone. The identity never shows up on Mac.

Sync in the other direction (Mac to iPad) seems to work ok.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, gsz! Thanks for reporting this. I was able to duplicate this.

    The short version is: no phone numbers created in an Identity on the iPad will show up in 1Password for Mac.

    I will pass this along to the developers for resolution in a future update! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
