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Opening 1Password data file VERY slow in Windows

[font="Georgia"]I am running the latest version of 1Password (v. on my DELL Latitude E6500 notebook with Windows 7 Pro installed. My 1Password data file (agilekeychain) is located in a sub-folder of my Dropbox folder.

When I first installed 1Password on this machine (if I recall it was still in beta), whenever I wanted to launch 1Password application, or access it via Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome extension (e.g. to logon to a web site while browsing), it would start, present the master key logon screen right away, and then open up the contents as soon as I typed the key in..

Then, with one of the post-beta upgrades (I do not recall the version number), it became much, much slower all of a sudden. The application would launch right away, prompt for the master key right away, but once I typed the key in, it would display a message "Please wait while we unlock your 1Password Data". I typically have to wait one full minute before the data file will finally get opened in 1Password!

The above happens at the beginning of the day, when I open 1Password for the first time. The subsequent openings would be almost instantaneous, until the next day. Also, if I reboot my notebook, then again the opening 1Password data file for the first time would be taking a very long time.

1Password for Mac opens the same data file instantly on my Mac, no delay whatsoever.

Any ideas what to do to reduce the time it takes 1Password for Windows open my data file?



  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care
    Hi RJC!

    There are two things that can really slow down the first opening of 1Password (particularly on Windows). First you need to make sure that your data are on a local disk. (Dropbox is fine, but your Dropbox folder needs to be on a local drive, typically your C: drive.) If it is on a remotely mounted drive you will experience extreme slowness.

    The second thing that can really slow down the loading of the 1Password data are active virus scanners. Your 1Password data are spread out over a large number of files, each of which has encrypted content. I virus scanner that inspects each file to be opened is going to treat your 1Password data with suspicion. (A lot of malware also has encrypted content). So if you are running some kind of anti-virus software that inspects files when they are first opened, please configure it to exclude your 1Password data folder.

    Finally, 1Password data loading is filesystem intensive in a way that doesn't cause problems on OS X, but is slower on Windows. So a reasonable delay (a few seconds) is expected when your 1Password data is first opened on Windows. But if you are getting an unreasonable delay, we need to look at the above possibilities.

    So try checking those out and let us all know how it goes.


  • Welcome to the forum, RJC!

    The key difference between first-launch and subsequent-reopen behavior is that 1Password is checking whether any updates are available.

    To determine whether this is causing the problem, you can temporarily the [b]Automatically check for updates[/b] option on the Updates tab of 1Password preferences. If you do, please let us know whether that affects the first-launch times.

    If it does, you might also find out whether you're connecting to the internet through a proxy server. If you are, you might try entering the proxy credentials and experimenting with the other controls on the Network tab of 1Password preferences.

    I hope that helps, RJC.